Page 13 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 13

well-being  of                          students  with

                                                                        We have strictly followed the prescribed guidelines. Our
                                                                       teachers and students are extremely enthusiastic about
          Excerpts from interaction with   Did Covid-19 affect the reading  maximizing the programme for the benefit of students. I ensure
         Vinayak, Nodal Officer of the Read  ability of students?        my students read content from the textbook for 15 minutes and
         Campaign Programme, about the                         learn the meaning of keywords. I also encourage group reading and peer
         programme's  objectives,  imple-  Yes, the pandemic hampered stu-  reading for students who have reading difficulties. Our school library, which
         mentation, and outcomes.  dents'  reading  ability.  Some  pri-  has a large selection of books, is luring children to spend time reading there.
                                   mary school students even failed to  This is a wonderful programme that encourages my students to read and
                                   recognize the English alphabet. We  helps them mitigate their reading difficulties. We ensure that this program
                                   recognized that the habit of reading  continues and becomes part of the teaching-learning process."
                                   is a fundamental factor in education
                                                                       - CH Narasing Rao, GHM, ZPHS Gundrampally, Nalgonda District.
                                                                        During my visits to numerous schools, I found that 80 percent
                                                                       of students across the state improved their reading skills.
                                                                       Readers who were formerly proficient have progressed to fluent
                                                                       readers. Those who previously struggled with reading are now
                                                               proficient readers. Most importantly, students from tribal communities are
                                                               performing admirably. They can now read the material in their native
                                                               languages and English. I have also put extensive efforts with my colleagues to
                                                               bring a positive outcome. I followed the guidelines and intricately designed
                                                               my strategies for effective implementation of the programme. I thank state
                                                               government authorities and education department officials at all levels for
         What is the objective of the                          taking on the responsibility of ensuring the success of this initiative."
         programme?                and tried our best to support the            - CH Seshu, SRG, MPPS Varkala, Nalgonda District.
          To ensure that every student can  programme. All the stakeholders of
         read fluently and encourage them  school  education,  including  the  Our students have enhanced their reading skills as a result of
         to read as a habit.       mandal, district, and state levels au-  frequent reading practice under the Reading Campaign
         How is the programme being  thorities, are constantly extending  Programme. I encourage students to read Telugu
         implemented?              their support to the school heads   comprehensions, poems and stories. Books in Telugu about
                                   and teachers. The Room to Read or-  freedom fighters, Chandamama, and Balamitra Kathalu are available in our
          The proposal for the campaign  ganization  established  school  li-  Library. Other languages and subject books are also stocked for students to
         was well received by school heads  braries  in  700  primary  schools.  read during their library period. We are taking utmost care to mitigate the
         and teachers, who began working  Also,  UNICEF  donated  talking  reading gaps, especially among the students who have trouble reading. The
         to advance the programme by cul-  books to Kasturba Gandhi Balika  district and mandal officials extended tremendous support and visited or
         tivating a love of reading in stu-  Vidyalayas (KGBVs) and residential  school to elaborately educate children about the importance of Library and
         dents. Reading strategies were im-  schools, and the Basic Research Ed-  the importance of becoming an ardent reader."
         plemented  by  the  teachers,  who  ucation and Development Society  - G Ravinder, School Assitant, Telugu language, ZPHS Karkhanagadda
         held  competitions  and  provided  (BREAD) gave library books to 500                     Karimnagar District.
         kids with books to read during li-  schools and 150 KGBVs.
         brary hours. Students have become  What are the outcomes of the  Reading is one of the most powerful habits for transforming
         more interested in language and  programme that you have      one's knowledge, skill set, and behaviour, and it's critical to
         reading as a result of library day and  observed?             instill this key habit in children's minds. Thank you to
         Mother Language Day celebrations.                             Telangana's Department of School Education for this fantastic
                                     Students improved their reading  endeavour."
                                   standards and got acquainted with  - Ms Prasanthi Bathina, Senior Manager, Telangana & Andhra Pradesh,
                                   reading. Also, students were drawn                               Save the Children.
                                   in  by  the  dynamic  and  engaging
                                   reading strategies increasing the    Reading is a success in itself for youngsters who try to learn
                                   percentage of attendance of each    anything about everything. With collective action, the Telangana
                                   student. We heartfully thank all the  READ initiative has established a model for inculcating reading
                                   school heads, teachers, students,   habits in youngsters."
                                   and local communities for support-  - Malladi Sree Nagesh, Education Lead-South India, Save the Children.
                                   ing the programme to the fullest. I
                                   hope they continue to work for the

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