Page 15 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 15

English Learning Enrichment Course for

          Government School Teachers in Telangana

               oday,  one's  academic
               learning and the ability to
               converse in English are
               inextricably  linked  in
       Tshaping one's future. The
       English language becoming a global
       language introduces us to the world
       beyond  regional  boundaries  and
       helps us better understand the global
       world through knowledge transac-
       tions. Also, in the modern era of edu-
       cation, communication skills in Eng-
       lish are one of the eligibility criteria
       for obtaining employment and a key
       parameter in one's professional pro-
       gression. Therefore, with changing
       educational sphere, students must be
       equipped with English communica-
       tion skills from their early years of
        As schools are the best places for
       children to grow holistically, nurtur-
       ing the English language must begin
       in primary classes. Given the demand
       for the language, the government of
       Telangana, which strongly empha-
       sizes re-skill and upskill, decided to
       operate  state  government  schools
       with English as the medium of in-
       struction  from  the  next  academic
       year. To achieve the same, the Telan-
       gana government kicked off the first
       phase of the English training pro-
       gramme, "English Language Enrich-
       ment  Course",  collaborating  with
       Azim Premji University, Bengaluru,
       on March 21, 2022. The objective of
       this course is to allow teachers to em-
       brace, acquire, and get equipped with
       English communication skills that
       will  eventually  build  an  efficient  also organised. The themes are iden-  themes  accompany  the  learning  backgrounds found it difficult at first
       teacher workforce for running State  tified to teach English for teachers.  process for each week, alongside dis-  because their mother tongues were
       Government   English   medium  The themes for primary teachers in-  playing videos and stories on the pro-  their main means of communication.
       schools successfully.      clude environment, food, relation-  jector to reinstate the significance of  Yet, they strived to learn English and
        The nine-week interactive, inter-  ship, friendship, school, animals, etc.  visual  learning.  The  participants  communicate in the language. The
       esting, and communicative training  The high school teachers ar working  were  also  encouraged  to  nurture  customized  training  programme
       emphasizes the need to equip English  on themes relevant to their subjects.   their storytelling skills as it is one of  brings about positive feedback, and
       speaking skills. In the first phase, a  In the workshop, the teachers can  the appreciable approaches to teach-  teachers are overcoming their reluc-
       four-week course is offered for all pri-  learn at their own pace and are en-  ing. A storyteller is not only a good  tance to speak in English because
       mary and secondary school teachers  couraged to improve their English-  communicator but also a good edu-  mistakes are rectified, and learning
       in the state. The first week of the  speaking skills every week. Different  cator. However, teachers from rural  is celebrated in the workshop.
       course will be face-to-face, and the
       remaining weeks will be virtual. The  Total Key Resource Persons
       five-week-long  second  phase  will  Trained: 363
       start from June 2022 onwards, with  Total mentors Trained: 2,981
       the first week face-to-face and the re-  • Primary Level: 1,298
       maining  four  weeks  virtual.  The  • Secondary Level: 1,683
       phase one face-to-face workshop was
       held in 448 centres. Each centre had  Total registered participants:
       45 to 50 teachers and three mentors.  19584
       In addition, online batches consisting  Active online users: 17087
       of 15 mentees and one mentor were
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