P. 11

Department of School Education                       opment of the school.     demonstrates great writing skills,
         and Literacy, Government of India,                    G Sreeja is a very active student. I  has a good academic record, and al-
         and a panel of women achievers as                    was surprised to see her writing two-  ways is on her toes to learn more.
         part of National Girl Child Day                      page stories from the beginning of  She has also cleared the National
                                                              our story-writing programme. She  Means Cum Merit Scholarship Test.
         celebrations. How did it go?
          The panel of women achievers
                                                                  he story-writing activity has been helping students to improve their
         like the Secretary, Department of                     Tlanguage, reading, and writing skills. Gone are the days when children
         School  Education  and  Literacy,                     replicated textbook content; they have begun to write answers using
         Government of India, inspire many
         students like me. They symbolise                      their own words in examinations. As a result, they have said goodbye to
         achievement and have proved that                      rote learning and are trying to understand the lesson from a practical
         education is very important. I wish                   point of view. They have cultivated a reading habit and even spend hours
         to see myself in their shoes some-                    reading their textbooks and journals to acquire more knowledge in math-
         day, with high qualifications. I want                  ematics, science, social sciences, etc. Also, it is paving the path for students
         to be an inspiration to other women                   to make literature a career, with students like P Deepika and G Sreeja
         in the future, as they inspired me.  the improved academic perform-  coming first and second, respectively, at the national story-writing com-
          We have received a positive re-  ance of their children. They are in-  petition for children organised by Telangana Private Teachers Forum.
         sponse from all the parents due to  vested in contributing to the devel-      – P Ashok, Headmaster, ZPHS Kura

        Kashish Singh, Class 8, GGHS Ma-
        habubia, Hyderabad
          Kashish  Singh  received  the
        'Young Achievers' award for her piv-
        otal role in creating a cyber security
        awareness campaign. She educated
        many school students about cyber
        risks and how to catch cyber crimi-
          Excerpts from an interview with
        the student willing to absorb the
        greatest of knowledge from experi-
        ences  to  come  her  way  and  em-
        power women from all walks of life

        How did you get a chance to be
        part of the cyber security
        awareness campaign?
          My school has arranged regular in-
        teractions with SHE teams, the local
        police, traffic police, medical depart-
        ments, and non-governmental or-                           Kashish Singh, Class 8, GGHS Mahabubia, Hyderabad, won the title of
        ganisations (NGOs). We learn how                         Young Achiever for conducting an awareness campaign on cyber security
        each department works and its laws
        and regulations. It prompted me to  the real test was only about to begin.  about the need for cyber security,  with me, helping me gain a deeper
        be part of the awareness campaign  As a high school student with no  we were first made to understand  understanding of the subject. The
        about cyber security. Active partici-  prior experience interacting with  cybercrime. I used this as an oppor-  most significant contribution from
        pation and fluent English language  many  individuals,  I  had  trouble  tunity to analyse and be more aware  the  school  head,  teachers,  and
        skills were the deciding factors in my  reaching out to people and sharing  of the dark web, to come up with in-  friends was to become a part of my
        selection as a Young Achiever, com-  my knowledge.   novative ways to catch cybercrimi-  campaigning journey about Cyber
        peting with 75 other students at the                 nals and protect data, especially fi-  Security.
        national level. I feel proud to have  Could you please tell us about your  nancial data.
        represented Telangana state.  field experience?                                  How did your parents react to your
                                                             What kind of help did you get from  new passion and achievement?
        Do you mind sharing the challenges  Being a school student, I was only  your school? What kind of  My parents provided me with un-
        you faced during training? That's no  aware of technology as a means of  encouragement did your teachers  wavering  support  right  from  the
        mean achievement! However, there  convenience: we routinely use tech-  give you?  training days to the execution of
        must have been some bumps in the  nology to learn lessons virtually,            awareness initiatives. They were de-
                                   share knowledge on WhatsApp, and  When I got selected to train at a
        road.                                                                           lighted to learn of my selection for
                                   educate  ourselves  on  YouTube,  state-specific joint initiative of the  the joint initiative. Now, they are
          Much of the training course on  among  other  things.  The  course  Women's Safety Wing of the Telan-  very pleased to see me as one of the
        Cyber Security Awareness was in the  made me aware of the darker side  gana Police and School Education  nation's Young Achievers.
        Telugu language, which was difficult  of technology — cybercrime. I was  Department, I was greatly appreci-
        because my mother tongue is Hindi.  shocked by the list of common cy-  ated by my school head and teach-  How does it feel to be recognized as
        However, I made an effort to over-  bercrimes, such as the hacking of  ers. They motivated and assisted me  a Young Achiever?
        come this obstacle by seeking the as-  smart  devices,  child  trafficking,  throughout my training period, es-  I'm thrilled! It would be the most
        sistance  of  my  Telugu-speaking  pornography, theft of intellectual  pecially when language became a  unforgettable experience of my life.
        friends. My Telugu has gradually im-  property and identities, and privacy  barrier. Also, teachers would share  I see this as the beginning of my fu-
        proved, making learning easy. But,  violation.  Thus,  before  learning  information about cyber security
                                                                                        ture endeavours, and I intend to
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