P. 14

Make Hay While the Sun Shines: Students of GHS

        Nehru Memorial School Develop Solar Mobile Charger

           n  the  changing  educational
           sphere, all schools are marching
        Itowards cultivating curiosity,
        research, and skills for innovation
        in students. This edition of Edusure
        brings you the contributions of GHS
        Nehru  Memorial  School,  Hyder-
        abad, towards sustainable develop-
        ment. V Padma Priya, School Assis-
        tant,  English,  introduced  her
        students to the United Nations' Sus-
        tainable Development Goals, 2015,
        and encouraged them to develop a
        model as evidence of their under-
        standing of it. Mr. George Hade-
        menos,  a  Physics  teacher  at
        Richardson  High  School,  Texas,
        USA, collaborated with V Padma
        Priya  on  the  common  stage  of
        IREX's (International Research and
        Exchanges  Board)  sponsored
        Teacher Exchange Program. They
        join forces to provide students with
        the opportunity to learn through ex-
        perimentation. As part of the col-
        laboration,  Grade  12  students  of
        Richardson High School — Carlos
        Cordova, Emily Verriere, and Edwin                   Students of GHS Nehru Memorial School, Hyderabad, designed a Solar Mobile
        Hassier — worked with the students                  Charger under the guidance of V Padma Priya, School Assistant, English language
        of GHS Nehru Memorial School to
        design a Solar Mobile Charger si-
        multaneously a STEM project and  SDGs  listed  in  the  SDG-Aligned  morial School surveyed the usage of  The solar panel and car charger are
        a product promoting the SDGs. This  Projects choice board.    electricity, types of gadgets commonly  connected with wires, and different
        project comes under SDG 7 — Clean  Under the guidance of Mr. Hade-  used, and the monthly electricity bills.  cables are attached to the module.
        and Affordable Energy — of the 17  menos, students of GHS Nehru Me-  The  survey  surmised  that  mobile  The voltmeter ensures that the panel
                                                              phones are carried throughout the  releases a power supply of precisely
                                                              day, requiring frequent charging to  6 volts and 3 watts, which is sufficient
                                                              function. As the solar mobile charger  for the mobile to get charged. "This
                                                              uses affordable renewable energy, it  project wasn't just about making a
                                                              results in a reduced electricity bill, a  solar-powered mobile charger; we
                                                              prospect that is attractive to several  understood the bigger picture and
                                                              potential consumers of the product.   the importance of renewable energy,
                                                               The  two  teachers  coordinated  and how renewable resources are the
                                                              preliminary introductions and dis-  key to safer, inexpensive, and sus-
                                                              cussions  between  the  students  tainable development in our cities.
                                                              through  preparatory  classes  on  We also learned the importance of
                                                              Zoom and the application Padlet.  communication, collaboration, di-
                                                              "The students decided among them-  versity in ideas, teamwork, and fac-
                                                              selves which SDG to work on, what  ing challenges head-on. Eventually,
                                                              project is useful for the local com-  we were more confident in our team
                                                              munity, what materials should be  and ourselves. We learned how to
                                                              purchased and from where, and how  settle any disputes without under-
                                                              to make it cost-effective. We allotted  mining the interests of anyone and
                                                              time for these discussions, which  to share responsibilities," said Ka-
                                                              gave them clarity on details like the  malvardhan, a class 9 student.
                                                              various cables used for the function-  Working on this project provided
                                                              ing of the solar mobile charger," said  students with new experiences in all
                                                              V Padma.                  areas, and the project's success has
                                                               A solar panel, car charger module,  inspired students to work on more
                                                              different types of cables, screwdriver,  projects in the pursuit of sustain-
                                            Solar Mobile Charger  and voltmeter are used in the model.  able development.

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