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Telangana State implementing the nation-wide

       programme Foundation Literacy and Numeracy Mission

            he  Government  of  Telan-  School Preparation Module will  learning initiative from primary  they're struggling.
           gana  has  recognized  that  support children to develop ap-  grades during the pandemic.   l Get rewarded for progress: As
       Tthe  National  programme  propriate  skills  to  facilitate  an  How it works      children  build  their  literacy,
       'Foundational  Literacy  and  Nu-  easy  transition  between  ECCE                  they're encouraged to continue
       meracy  (FLN),'  i.e.,  children's  and  grade  1  as  suggested  by  Here's  how  children  use  the  learning by collecting stars and
       ability to read and meaningfully  NCERT.               Read-Along app:              earning milestones.
       comprehend and use basic math-  Read-Along:            l Personalized  reading:  Young  WhatsApp Bot:
       ematical operations in real life by                     learners get to choose from over
       Grade 3, is a critical goal for the  Read-Along is an engaging mo-  700 stories that suit their de-  "Intinta Chaduvula Panta" pro-
       State's education system. A Steer-  bile application (android- avail-  gree of proficiency and personal  gramme was launched by the Ho-
       ing Committee has been consti-  able  for  free)  that  encourages  taste – from sources like SCERT  nourable Minister of IT, Govern-
       tuted for developing and opera-  young learners to have fun while  textbooks,  Pratham  Story-  ment of Telangana State, and the
       tionalizing a reform program to  reading. A helpful and friendly in-  weaver, Book Dash, Katha Kids,  Honourable  Minister  of  Educa-
       attain foundational literacy and  app reading buddy, "Diya," helps  African  Storybook  Initiative,  tion,  Government  of  Telangana
       numeracy in Telangana on Octo-  children by listening and respond-  and  Room  to  Read,  with  new  State, in partnership with Conve-
       ber 14, 2019.              ing to them in real-time as they  books added regularly.  Genius on January 4 for Classes 1-
        A  system  diagnosis  has  been  read  aloud,  using  Google's  ad-  l Read words: Children can tap  10, which is a WhatsApp Chatbot
       conducted to understand systemic  vanced text to speech and voice  on any word to hear "Diya" pro-  based Weekly Assessment and Re-
       challenges impeding the achieve-  recognition technologies.   nounce it. When they practice  medial Teaching. It started during
       ment of grade-level competencies  With  more  than  500  stories  reading aloud, the app indicates  the pandemic and continued post-
       and informed reform design.   plus word games to choose from,  success  by  correctly  reading  pandemic as well.
        Further,  the  department  also  the  app  can  make  personalized  words that turn blue. If a child  Based  on  assessments  of  stu-
       partnered  with  Central  Square  recommendations based on each  struggles to read, they are en-  dents' performance, personalized
       Foundation (CSF) in designing a  child's progress. After the initial  couraged to try again.   remedial learning material is pro-
       program to improve foundational  download, the app works without  l Read with Diya: Diya can read  vided to them. Students undertake
       learning levels in the State.  Wi-Fi and without consuming any  entire sentences, highlighting  curriculum-aligned  weekly  as-
        The programme aims to take an  data. With Read-Along, children  each word as it's read so that  sessments over a chat interface.
       integrated  systems  approach  to  can practice, gain confidence, and  children can follow along.  Multiple  students  use  the  same
       improve  Foundational  Literacy  grow a love for reading.   l Get proactive feedback: As chil-  device to register on the chatbot
       and Numeracy in grades 1-3 and a  In Telangana, Read-Along has  dren read aloud, the app tracks  created  for  the  State.  About  5
       three-month School Preparation  been  rolled  out  from  August  3,  their progress and proactively  Lakh students have participated
       Module  across  Telangana.  The  2021, to support the State's home  offers support if it detects that  in the assessments to date.

            State Level Online Mathematics Seminar

                                                      athematics       Degree College, Warangal,  Mathematics. Addressing
                                                      Seminar for      and M Somaiah, Retired  learning gaps in
                                                MTeachers was          lecturer, Government DIET,  Mathematics arose due to
                                                organized on December 22,  Warangal, and Dr. S Suresh  Covid-19 Pandemic.
                                                2021, in virtual mode. The  Babu, Retired Professor,  l Teaching Mathematics in
                                                department invited papers  SCERT.              the future using new
                                                from Teachers, Teacher  The theme for the      strategies employed
                                                Educators, Other Field  seminar was: "Methods and  during the Pandemic
                                                Functionaries of School  Strategies Adopted in  Period.
                                                Education.             Teaching Mathematics
                                                 Of the 60 papers received  during the Pandemic Period  The objectives of the
                                                by mail, 31 papers were  2020-21".            Seminar
                                                selected for presentation  The theme of the
                                                during the seminar. C  Seminar: "Methods and  l To promote the
                                                Goverdhan, Associate   Strategies Adopted in   professional development
                                                professor, Department of  Teaching Mathematics  of the mathematics
                                                Mathematics, University  during the Pandemic Period  teachers.
                                                College of Science, Osmania  2020-21."        l To enable the teachers to
                                                University, gave the keynote                   relate Mathematics with
                                                address.               The Sub-themes for the  modern technologies.
                                                 The sessions were     seminar:               l To encourage teachers to
                                                conducted by M S                               come out with innovative
                                                Rangachary, Retired    l Technology embedded   ideas in teaching
                                                lecturer, Government    teaching and learning in  Mathematics.
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