P. 13

Students from ZPHS Mulkalapally, Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri District,
                                                                            designed Organic Zero Waste-Sthree Raksha Pads
         Dheeravath  Anitha,  Class  10,  Raksha pads?
         ZPHS  Mulkalapally,  Yadadri                      cheeks when they learned that I  Anitha excels in her studies. She is
         Bhuvanagiri district      The  majority  of  the  women  was one of the recipients of the Dconstantly coming up with solu-
                                  and  girls  in  our  village  come  Young Achiever title at the na-  tions to problems she notices in the vil-
          The  design  of  Organic  Zero  from  economically  disadvan-  tional level. That moment will  lage, which was what led her to the con-
         Waste  Sthree  Raksha  pads  taged families. Due to financial  remain with me for a lifetime,  cept  of  producing  low-cost  sanitary
         brought  the  title  'Young  constraints, they are unable to  driving me to work harder and  pads for underprivileged women. She
         Achiever' to D Anitha. Excerpts  obtain branded sanitary pads. As  reach greater heights.  has benefitted from school activities
         from the interview of a student  a sanitary pad, they use cow dung         that instill a scientific attitude in stu-
         who emphasizes that innovation  wrapped in cotton cloth. How-  What did you learn from your in-  dents and encourage innovation. It in-
         is the key to forming a better In-  ever, those who can afford it also  teractions  with  the  Secretary,  cludes the following:
         dia                      deal with health issues like in-  Government of India, Department  l An "idea submission box" in every
                                  fections and itching. Observing  of School Education and Literacy,  class
         What does it mean to you to be  the condition of girls in school  and a panel of women achievers  l Learning by doing
         recognized as a Young Achiever?  and women in the village, we de-  as part of National Girl Child Day  l Brainstorming
                                  vised a solution of making or-  celebrations?     l Project-based learning
          My innovative design of sani-  ganic  pads  for  women  during  I was thrilled to be part of the  l Participating in science fairs, exhibi-
         tary pads for women, using a cot-  menstruation.  interactions with the Secretary  tions, seminars, dramatics, science
         ton cloth and organic material,                   and  other  women  achievers.  I  congress, etc.
         earned me the title. This project  What were your parents'  learned that a woman's potential  l Experiment-based teaching
         enhanced my problem-solving  reactions?           and strength could contribute  l Group discussion
         skills, and being recognized as a                 significantly to society, provided  l Encouraging students to ask questions
         'Young Achiever' gives me the  My parents were not fortunate  that it is supplemented by a pas-  l Field trips
         will to keep innovating.  enough to have received school-  sion for work, continuous learn-  l Participation in
                                  ing, but they work as daily-wage  ing, self-discipline, observation,  co-curricular activities
         What prompted you to create  employees and spend every paise  and problem-solving skills. It is  - G Nagarani, Headmistress,
         organic Zero Waste Sthree  earned for my education. I saw  an incredible experience and will  ZPHS Mulkalapalli.
                                  tears of joy running down their  define my future actions.

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