P. 12

continue with the same spirit to win
         more awards.
         What did you take away from your
         interactions with the Secretary,
         Department of School Education
         and Literacy, Government of India,
         and a panel of women achievers as
         part of National Girl Child Day
          I firmly believe that education
         should have no gender bar. My in-
         teractions  with  the  officials  and
         scholars at the panel have strength-
         ened my perception of girls' educa-
         tion as a form of emancipation. I
         learned that we, girls or women,
         should support and empower each
         other, encourage girls' education  IPS officer. I wish to serve my country
         and help women become entrepre-  to make it a better place to live in. In  ashish is a responsible and consistent student who pays attention and
         neurs. We should work collectively  addition, I want to try my hand at mu-  Kgathers information for assigned tasks. I supported her with tasks re-
         to raise the status of women in so-  sic and run a YouTube channel, which  lating to cyber security and the topics she was assigned. We've had frequent
         ciety.                                                workshops on cyberbullying, smartphone usage when engaging with
                                   I  hope  to  popularise  by  providing
         What is your future aim?  meaningful and fascinating informa-  strangers, friends, and family, as well as crimes on social media, internet
          My ultimate goal is to become an  tion to netizens.   hacking, and spamming.   - M Uma, Headmistress, GGHS Mahabubia.

         K Sonu, KGBV Addakal, Mahabub-  I want to begin my career working
         nagar district             for a reputable organisation. I envision
           K Sonu, a semi-orphaned KGBV  myself  as  a  chemical  industry  re-
         student,  was  awarded  the  title  of  searcher in the coming years.
         'Young Achiever' for making a differ-
         ence in her own life and serving as  How did you and your family react
         an inspiration to other KGBV stu-  to the Young Achiever title?
         dents by gaining admission in Chem-
         ical Engineering in the prestigious  For me, this has been a once-in-a-
         university, Osmania University. Ex-  lifetime experience. It has sparked a
         cerpts from an interview with a stu-  commitment to creating work that
         dent who believes education is a tool  will bring me national and interna-
         for social change.         tional acclaim.
         In what ways did KGBV Addakal  What did you learn from your
         assist you in passing the TS  interactions with the Secretary,
         EAMCET?                    Government of India, Department of
                                    School Education and Literacy, and a
           I am grateful for the opportunity
         to study at KGBV Addakal, which has  panel of women achievers as part of
         aided me in achieving my goal of be-  National Girl Child Day celebrations?
         coming an engineer at Osmania Uni-  At the event, I was introduced to
         versity. KGBV Addakal provided me  talented women who have motivated
         with excellent education during my  me to pursue higher education and
         two-year intermediate study. Teach-  get employed in top positions. They
         ers helped with TS EAMCET prepa-  also  emphasized  the  pivotal  role
         ration, organising weekly mock tests,  women play in the country's devel-
         providing performance analyses, and  opment. Following in their footsteps,
         bridging any gaps in the syllabus.  I would like to dedicate my efforts
                                    toward promoting girls' education
         Congratulations on being chosen by  and women's empowerment in the
         Osmania University! What influenced  future.
         your choice in specialisation?
                                       am delighted to see my student
           Chemical Engineering intrigued Ibecoming an engineer educated
         me because of my interest in chem-  at the most prestigious Osmania
         istry subject. My admission into Os-  University and receiving the Young
         mania University came as a shock,  Achiever title.      She has always
         but I am overjoyed and intend to  exhibited the willingness to learn  K Sonu, KGBV Addakal, Mahabubnagar District, won the
         make the most of this opportunity.  beyond her prescribed textbooks   title of 'Young Achiever'Award for admission to a
                                          - K Manjula, Special Officer,  Chemical Engineering Course at Osmania University
         What is your long-term goal?             KGBV Addakal.

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