P. 7

An Inspirational Guru

          n conversation with Edusure, M
         Pavithra,  a  science  teacher  at
       IZPHS  Gaddipally,  Garidepally
       Mandal, Suryapet district, the recip-
       ient of Sarabhai Teacher Scientist Na-
       tional Award, 2022, shared her joy on
       winning  the  award,  her  other
       achievements, and efforts in stimu-
       lating a scientific temper in students.

       What led you to participate in the

        Vigyan Prasar Network (VIPNET)
       under the Department of Science and
       Technology (DST), Government of
       India,  conducts  the  competition
       yearly. Through the National Council
       of Teacher Scientists (NCTS) on their
       Telegram channel and Quality Edu-
       cation WhatsApp groups, I learned
       about it. The legacy of Dr. Vikram
       Sarabhai as a pioneer in Indian space
       research and nuclear development                     M Pavithra won finished as the runner-up for the Transforming Educator Award
       inspired me to participate. I submit-                2021 that was conducted by The Tech Mahindra and Science Academy in 2021
       ted my application because I was con-
       vinced that winning it would be a  rienced  teachers,  brilliant  young  sium on Gandhiji's education philos-  Congress, Agastya Science Competi-
       huge accomplishment as a science  teachers, and veterans of interna-  ophy in 2019, I presented a paper on  tions, Intinta Innovator, Krishi Vi-
       teacher.                   tional competitions.        the  idea  of  experiential  learning  -  gyan Kendra Mela, Jawaharlal Nehru
                                                              teaching science through hands-on  Science Fair, School Innovation Chal-
       It is a huge honour to win the award!  Please tell us about research and  experience. I was part of the team  lenge, and Chekumuki Science Talent
       What was your initial reaction?  how your students figure it out.   chosen to provide digital content for  Test. In addition, I earned over 80
                                                              the Diksha programme, including 60  certifications for completing various
        I am thrilled to have received this  I keep myself in touch with current  videos of Biology lessons and 16 ques-  training courses successfully. All this
       prize because I placed first among the  trends in teaching through training  tion papers for Classes 6 to 10. I also  training helped me get a broad un-
       finalists, which included highly expe-  programmes. In a national sympo-  participated in the preparation of Ab-  derstanding of science at a higher
                                                              hyasa Deepika for Class 10 Biology in  level  and  study  various  teaching
                                                              the SCERT workshop. I presented pa-  methodologies for new-age learners.
                                                              pers in science seminars conducted  All of my efforts in self-develop-
                                                              by SCERT on the National Science  ment and encouraging students to be
                                                              Day in 2016, 2019, 2020, and 2021.  part of science activities laid the path
                                                               My ultimate goal is to instil in my  for winning the Sarabhai Teacher Sci-
                                                              students a scientific mindset. I urge  entist National Award.
                                                              them to compete in science compe-
                                                              titions  and  attend  seminars,  and  How did it feel about interacting with
                                                              place great emphasis on experimen-  prominent scholars on such a large
                                                              tal learning. Discussions, field trips,  platform?
                                                              role-plays, science storytelling, sci-
                                                              ence skits, science games, and so on  It was great to discuss with science
                                                              are  some  of  my  other  interactive  teachers from different states, and
                                                              teaching methods. They have a lot of  promising collaborations with other
                                                              fun engaging in these activities, like  schools to share new ideas and pool
                                                              using a microscope and a foldscope  technical knowledge were proposed.
                                                              to study the microbiological world.  Another memorable event was being
                                                               My attempts in grooming students  part of a presentation with a senior
                                                              into young scientists have yielded  ISRO scientist and director of NCTS.
                                                              positive  results.  My  students  per-  I  was  inspired  by  the  work  of  the
                                                              formed well in the district-level In-  teachers I met there, some of whom
                                                              spire-Manak  Awards  in  the  2017-  are so dedicated that they spend their
                                                              2018 and 2018-2019 academic years.  own money to supplement any lack
                                                              One of them, O Swathi, gave a pres-  in the scientific infrastructure of the
                                                              entation on a carcinogen-cleaning  government  schools  where  they
                                                              tree at IIT Delhi, 2019. I have also as-  work. My participation earned me an
          During the Inspire-Manak Awards Competition in the
        academic year 2018-2019, M Pavitra extended her support  sisted students with their participa-  award and gave me the learning to
                                                                                         last a lifetime.
                                                              tion in the National Children Science
                  and guidance to her student
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