P. 6

Teachers and Students Preparing Bamboo Products

       Bamboo Plough

       standing of how toys work.  this  water  filter,  bamboo
       The  teachers,  too,  honed  charcoal,  a  highly  porous
       their artisanal skills. The toys  material covered in numer-
       produced  include  wheeled  ous minuscule holes, is used
       toys,  bamboo  pop-guns,  instead of regular charcoal.
       flutes,  kiddy  banks,  pen  It increases its absorption
       stands,  models  of  animals,  capacity,  quickening  the
       bullet bikes, cars, wheel cuts,  process of absorption.
       airplanes,  well,  plough,  Bamboo  Gillidanda: The
       house, etc.           traditional method to meas-
       Teachers  use  the  bamboo  ure  length  is  by  using  a
       TLMs as aids to help stu-  bamboo Chirragona stick,
       dents visualise their text-  also  called  Gillidanda  in
       book learning. Some of the  Telangana.  Students  are
       models  developed  are  ex-  taught to use this danda as
       plained here:         a standard tool for measur-
       Bamboo  Pinhole  Camera:  ing length.
       This shows how light trav-  Bamboo Triangle: Bamboo
       els in a straight line.  sticks,  fashioned  in  the
       Bamboo   Cycle   Pump:  shape of a triangle (or any
       Demonstrates how air occu-  other figure such as rectan-
       pies space and the concepts  gle,  square,  rhombus,  or
       of pressure and force.  circle), are used to explain                                         Bamboo Wheel Cart
       Five-pot water purifier: In  various geometric shapes.

         P Murali Krishna, a secondary school teacher at MPUPS Ramakrishnapuram, Kothakota
        Mandal, Wanaparthy district, demonstrated the making of toys for playful learning at the
                       International Conference organised by NCERT                                    Bamboo Triangle
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