P. 5

Bamboo Artisans Teaching Teachers and Students The Bamboo Art

       ment. He strongly believes that the  of bamboo          on the need for the development  perimentation and co-curricular
       making of toys fosters curiosity, prob-  l Increase the area of bamboo plan-  of the bamboo sector from produc-  activities
       lem-solving abilities, experimenta-  tations in non-forest and private  tion to market  Local artisans J. Krishnaiah and
       tion, and cultural values, while also  lands to supplement farm income  l Spread  awareness  about  toxic  Anjanamma  assisted  the  teachers
       producing   Teaching   Learning   and  contribute  to  the  cause  of  manufacturing practices in the toy  and students in their initial attempts
       Materials (TLMs) that are useful in  fighting climate change  industry             at  working  with  bamboo.  In  the
       the classroom. P Murali Krishna, a  l Improve  post-harvest  manage-  l Recover  traditional  toy-making  process,  students  have  improved
       secondary school teacher at MPUPS   ment by establishing innovative  processes that use locally available  their cognitive abilities, creativity,
       Ramakrishnapuram, the brains be-  primary processing units near the  raw material  imagination, and scientific under-
       hind this project, explains, "We used  source of production  l Promote the spirit of "Ek Bharath
       varieties of bamboo-like Dendrocala-  l Promote product development ac-  Shrestha Bharath" through toys
       mus strictus, bambosa bamboos, and  cording to market demand.  l Use toys to explain concepts in sci-
       bambosa tulda as raw material."  l Promote skill development, capac-  ence
       This initiative aims to achieve the  ity building, and spread awareness  l Promote learning through ex-
       following objectives:
       l Create awareness about sustain-
        able development through the use

                                                                                                   Bamboo Pinhole Cam
        Bamboo Car
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