P. 4

Bamboo Bullet Bike

                             A Different Kind of Cane:

                    Bamboo Toys as Teaching Tools

           ocal  for  Local"  and  "At-  been teaching students how to make
           manirbhar  Bharat"  are  toys out of bamboo and environ-
       Vnewly-coined mantras aimed  mentally benign and locally-avail-
       at  building  a  self-reliant  India.  able sustainable material. He gave a
       Prime Minister Narendra Modi has  presentation on teaching students
       emphasised these, encouraging peo-  with toys made of bamboo at the In-
       ple to buy and proudly promote lo-  ternational  Webinar  on  toys  and
       cal products. It contributes to the  games to make, play and learn or-
       development of a large local market  ganised by the National Council of
       and enables talented artists, manu-  Education, Research and Training
       facturers, and others who live in re-  (NCERT), New Delhi.
       mote corners of the country to make
       a  livelihood.  Following  the  PM's  As he hails from a Bamboo Arti-
       message, P Murali Krishna, a sec-  sans Community, he makes Bamboo
       ondary school teacher at MPUPS  products with ease and works stren-
       Ramakrishnapuram,  Kothakota  uously to replace plastic with eco-
       Mandal, Wanaparthy district, has  friendly bamboo for a safe environ-
                                                                  Bamboo House
                                                                                                    Bamboo Flower Vase
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