Page 21 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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The girl students re-join into MPPS Sawarkheda from private schools
The parents not only joined their teachers. The in-charge headmaster
wards in school but also supported the involves all the teaching staff in the
school financially. Their contributions decision-making process and come up with
were about 4 Lakh 50 thousand. The effective teaching methods for students.
school has spent the amount on building a The school carries out digital lesson in the
digital class and for painting the school classroom and allows them to think
walls with meaningful and message critically and apply their minds. As the
giving drawings. teachers believe in that, play is work for
kids at the early age and play can be guided
Process followed
by their own instinct. The school teachers
The in-charge headmaster has put in under the supervision of the
dedicated efforts to improve the learning in-charge headmaster teach the little minds
capacities among students. When he was through TLMs, thus promoting joyful
the only teacher in the school, his wife learning among children. The kind of
joined as a faculty on voluntary basis and ambience created within the school excites
supported him during his hard times, their children to learn more and add new
united efforts perfected students in all information to their knowledge base. The
aspects. After gaining the confidence of teachers not only teach the subject but give
the parents, he made substantial efforts to them gist of latest happenings to improve
retain it. The school now runs with 10 their general knowledge. The school laid
vidhya volunteers and two regular a strong foundation that supported
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 9