Page 19 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 19
The journey to success is never a cake walk
Name of the Head Master : K. Rangaiah
School Name : MPPS Sawarkheda, Kerameri
District : Kumram Bheem Asifabad
Phone Number : 9618661410, 9494025573
E-Mail ID :,
Sawarkheda- a small village, is students come to this school from 6
located 25 km from Jodeghat, the surrounding villages. In view of school
birthplace of Adivasi legendary Komaram teachers enabling students to secure seat
Bheem, situated at Kerameri Mandal of in residential, Gurukul schools, the
erstwhile Adilabad District in the border parents will be on their toes for placing
of Telangana and Maharashtra states. This their wards in the school once the
is the story of a wonderful school which admissions are open and the seats get filled
is located at forest area in Telangana in no time.
state.This school is in a small village but
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 7