Page 24 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 24

Self-determination drives to success

                 Name of the Head Master : B. Vittal Nayak

                 School Name                       : ZPHS Mustabad, Mustabad (M)
                 District                          : Rajanna Siricilla

                 Phone Number                      : 9440676048

                 E-Mail ID                         :

                  "Every child needs a simple push in        Community
            his skill to achieve the success in their
                                                                  The villagers earn meagre amounts
            area of interest". Everybody has a talent,       as daily wage labours. They generate

            when it is polished they can do wonders.         income from rolling beedis and

            This has been proved by one of the Head          farming. They lead families with great
            Masters who committed for betterment of

            the kids learning. Let us see how it is….        Story

             Vision                                               The school took a shape in the year
                                                             2015 after B Vittal Nayak assumed the HM
                  To improve the enrollment and              post. The time when he took charge, he
            standards of learning.                           observed irregular attendance, high

                                                             dropout rate, children those who come to
             School History
                                                             school avoid doing homework and carry

                  The school was established in 1951         textbooks and no discipline. This shocked

            at Mustabad Mandal of Rajanna Sircilla           him for a while but with having the
            district  in Telangana State. The school         experience of dealing the challenges
                                                             smoothly, Nayak taken steps to resolve the
            provides education from class 6 to class
                                                             issues. But, his first strategy was utterly a
            10 in the regional medium. The children          failure. The talk with parents to send their

            from surrounding villages- Mohinikunta,          wards back to school didn't work because
            Morraipally and Therlumaddi come to              the community is more dominated with
            school.                                          illiterates.

             12                         Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs
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