Page 20 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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Vision to tune the mindsets of the villagers and
increase the literary rate in the village.
To increase the enrolment numbers
Over a time, the school started off with
with an action plan. The school staff
around 54 students. Here it begins.
believes that self-motivation is
In 2013, the fate of the school has
instrumental in any success.
become unpredictable after the transfer of
Story the head master and a teacher. Thereby
the parents lost confidence as it is difficult
The remotely located MPPS
for the school to provide quality
Sawarkheda gives utmost importance to
education with a single Secondary Grade
girl education. The school and the
Teacher K Rangaiah, and started shifting
villagers believe in that education not only
their wards to private schools. In view of
enhance the in-built skills but also help
the massive shift of students to private set
girls to lead a decent life. Sawarkheda
ups, K Rangaiah came forward to join his
villagers follow a systematic life and
daughter in the same school and started
brought in most significant change in
teaching, as an attempt to inspire the
school development. The school
parents. However, it took two years for
authorities, villagers and SMC members
the villagers to realize the capacity of the
have come together and collectively
in-charge headmaster K Rangaiah and
working for the welfare of the students.
re-joined their kids into MPPS
They ensure the child grow emotionally
Sawarkheda. As of, the school was able
and academically strong. The students
to enrol 280 students after facing a lot of
passed out of MPPS Sawarkheda are
hardships. In the year 2016 the strength of
standing high in the society, Janabai and
the school was 96 and it escalated to 125
Sai Jyoti are working for well-established
the next year. The success of the school in
companies after they completed
providing quality education ignited the
post-graduation and Mengaji completed
desire among parents to admit their
D.Ed pursued teaching profession to
children in this school rather than joining
enlighten the lives of students. Initially, it
in private schools.
was a challenge for the school authorities
8 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs