Page 18 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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uploading lengthy videos in low tech Outcome
environment is troublesome. So we
changed our plan and made portable This instructional learning approach
documents of our presentation using tuned the students to accept independent
camscan application and have sent through learning and helped them to discipline their
the mail for which they received thought process when participated in
comments," said the student of Class 10. group activities. The students of ZPHS
The provision for students to interact with Jangapally could feel increase in
confidence levels and are able to write the
native speakers directly in the classroom answers to the questions on their own.
was taken care of by Vijayandhar, who Following the same in the classroom, the
persistently browse the latest technologies students face the examination with
and have learned around 24 online confidence and loosen themselves from
courses. the fear of not being able to understand
any twisted question.
Student's online interaction with the
students of USA government schools
6 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs