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students on the other side of the world
are Zoom and hangout. These tools
support online conferences in real time.
He believes that technology has
changed the role of teacher from teaching
to mentoring, facilitating, collaborating,
event organizer, content developer and
E-moderator. Finally, language learning is
a process oriented, not product oriented, Students involved in writing
learning happens when students are film reviews
engaged in real life situations by creating
an urge to do something. Collecting
evidence of learning using technology is a
key to become a successful teacher in the
21st century
Process followed
The project was designed for seven
weeks. The activities included the project
were introducing each other on online Student's online interaction with the
collaborative wall by posting three students of USA government schools
sentences, out of those third one is a lie.
This continued for two weeks and helped During the last week of the project,
children to develop analytical skills. When they focused on how to reduce the weight
it comes to writing a film review, the of the backpacks and have come up with
Indian students and the U.S. students some solutions that were exchanged on
discuss on the film reviews written on the collaborative wall. The information
latest films released in the respective required for preparing the content was
countries. They have written a review gathered by students alone giving them a
comprising the details of the cast and crew wide exposure to the world beyond school
along with a summary of the movie that is and got habituated to reading a variety of
attached with relevant posters of the film books to unlock the doors of memory and
and its characters. This initiative not only
improved English writing skills of the it's inbuilt registers for the world of words,
students but also opened the doors for knowledge and imagination. While doing
critical and creative thinking. this, "We struggled a lot because
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 5