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Connecting Classrooms Globally

                 Name of the Head Master : E. Anjaneyulu

                 School Name                       : ZPHS Jangapally, Ganneruvaram
                 District                          : Karimanagar

                 Phone Number                      : 9441671643

                 E-Mail ID                         :

                 Theme : ICT integrated teaching learning methods for improving the
                             learning outcomes

             Vision                                          methodologies which he had already
                                                             started using in his classroom. He has 24
                  The objective is to give the students      years of experience in teaching and his

            experiences of lifetime. Connecting class-       efficacy in handling in-service teacher
            rooms to technology and integrate with           trainings by integrating technologies in

            curriculum.                                      training sessions and classroom teaching
                                                             has promoted him to take up a
                                                             collaborative project with the teacher in

                  Vinayadhar Raju Prathikantam, an           The Honor Roll School, Texas, USA.
            English teacher at ZPHS Jangapally of            During this project he connected his
            Karimnagar district, is a continuous learner     classroom with U.S. classroom using
            and tech savvy. With intent to further           asynchronous technology. Students from

            nurture his in-built skill of using non-con-     U.S. and ZPHS Jangapally worked
            ventional methods of teaching, he could          together on projects like "Backpacks" and

            grab the attention of USIEF to spot him          "Film Reviews" using Padlet, a
            eligible for Fulbright Excellence and            collaborative wall. At the end, the students
            Achievement Program.                             have given it a shape by presenting a poster
                                                             presentation alongside to discuss the
                  To his surprise, when he entered the       concepts constructively with their U.S.

            U.S. classrooms, he came across a few of         peers.  The other tools used for
            innovative          English        teaching      establishing a connection with those

              4                         Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs
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