Page 23 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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The local community in one voice The innocent villagers belong to Thotamali
credited K Rangaiah, "When he visited our and Adivasi groups. The school organized
houses, we falsely gauged his calibre but several awareness programmes and
today he is the man behind complete personally counselled the parents to adopt
growth of the child and paving a path for cleanliness. Being inspired by the
them to access high school education. He counselling sessions with regards to health,
is an inspirational personality and grooms the majority of parents stopped taking
the child in academics and teaches moral alcohol and Gutka. Now, the parents are
values." In addition to this it, he also gives living a life of dignity and wish their wards
coaching to students appearing for to become scholars. The school made it
competitive examinations. The teachers possible for parents to dream big.
consider the K Rangaiah as lord Rama and
themselves as his sena for the school Outcome
development. "Nothing would have been Being inspired by the counselling
possible without him. He filled in all gaps sessions with regard to health, the
to achieve the success." majority of parents stopped taking
alcohol and Gutka. Now, the parents are
Most interestingly, the head master
living a life with dignity and wish their
has inculcated good habits among children
wards to become scholars.
and also ensured that parents follow it.
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 11