Page 9 - EDUSURE- JAN-FEB-23
P. 9

recognize the significant role of Indians
                                                                                 in various fields.
                                                                                        Later,  the  ministers,  Smt.
                                                                                 Sabitha  Indra  Reddy  Garu  and  Sri
                                                                                 Indrakaran  Reddy  Garu,  inaugurated
                                                                                 the state-level science fair and explored
                                                                                 the exhibition stalls. They appreciated
                                                                                 the  students  and  their  guide  teachers

         Display of hydrogen balloon at the venue of the exhibi on

            Day 1 (09-01-2023):

               The  commencement  of  the
        event  witnessed  a  warm  welcome
        dance performed by the students from
        St. Thomas High School and Telangana
        State  Residential  School,  Sofinagar,
        Nirmal.  The  guests  were  extended  a
        hearty welcome and honored for their
        presence.  The  District  Educational
        Officer,  Dr.  Sri  A.  Ravinder  Reddy,
        invited  all  the  guests  onto  the  stage,
        where they were presented with flower
        bouquets  and  badges.  The  ceremony
        continued with the lighting of the lamp
        by the esteemed guests.
               O n   t h i s   d a y,   r e q u i r e d
        materials  were  distributed  to  the
        students  for  their  exhibits.  The                                    Welcome dance performed by the students
        exhibition drew a significant number
        of disciplined student visitors. As the   Dr. Sri A. Ravinder Reddy and the teacher   Day 2 (10-01-2023)
        evening  approached,  cultural      union leaders invi ng the guests
        programs were arranged to engage and
        entertain the students.             inspiration from remarkable figures like   for their remarkable exhibits.
               The  distinguished  guests,   Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and urged them to      The  second  day  of  the  event
        including Smt. Patlolla Sabitha Indra   view  them  as  role  models.  She  also   c e l e b r a t e d   t h e   s t u d e n t s '
        Reddy Garu, Honourable Minister for   encouraged  teachers  to  instill  in  their   accomplishments  and  talents.  An
        Education,  and  Sri  Allola  Indrakaran   students  the  belief  in  their  innate   engaging mime activity was presented
        Reddy Garu, Honourable Minister for   potential  to  become  scientists  and   by  the  renowned  international  mime
        L a w ,   F o r e s t ,   E n d o w m e n t ,   contribute  positively  to  their  families   artist,  Madhu,  captivating  the
        Environment,  Science  &  Technology,   and their country. Sri Allola Indrakaran   audience  with  his  expressive  artistry.
        along  with  Smt.  Sridevasena  IAS,   Reddy  motivated  the  students  by   Additionally,  a  mesmerizing  magic
        Director of School Education, Smt. M.   highlighting  that  overcoming   show  was  performed  by  the  talented
        Radha Reddy, Director of SCERT, and   challenges  empowers  them  to  achieve   artists  Chandraiah  and  Sudhakar,
        Sri Musharraf Ali Faruqui IAS, District   anything  they  aspire  to.  Director  of   further  adding  to  the  entertainment.
        Collector, arrived at the venue,   at 11   School  Education  Smt.  Sridevasena   The cultural programs of the day had
        am.  The  National  Cadet  Corps  and   encouraged  students  to  pursue  higher   the presence of Sri Allola Indrakaran
        students from Shanthinikethan School   education  abroad  while  harnessing   Reddy  Garu,  the  Minister,  and  Sri
        extended a dignified guard of honor to   their knowledge for the betterment of   Musharraf  Ali  Faruqui  Garu,  the
        welcome them.                       their  motherland.  Finally,  Sri   district  collector.  Later,  they  also
               Smt.  Sabitha  Indra  Reddy    Musharraf  Ali  Faruqui  urged  students   seized  the  opportunity  to  watch  the
        Garu  addressed  the  students,     to draw inspiration from distinguished   stars using telescopes arranged by the
        emphasizing the importance of seeking   personalities  like  Satya  Nadella  and   Department of Science & Technology,

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