Page 10 - EDUSURE- JAN-FEB-23
P. 10

enhancing  their  astronomical
               A jury committee comprising
        experts from various subject areas was
        formed  to  assess  and  select  the  best
        exhibits. They attentively reviewed the
        exhibits and submitted their reports in
        sealed  envelopes,  ensuring  an
        impartial evaluation process. At 6 pm,
        an  array  of  cultural  programs
        commenced,  filling  the  evening  with
        entertainment and enjoyment.
            Day 3 (11-01-2023):
                                               Honourable Educa on Minister         Honourable Minister
                                               Smt. P. Sabitha Indra Reddy Garu     Sri Allola Indrakaran Reddy Garu
                                               launching the state level science    watching telescope
                                               fair and watching the exhibits
               The  concluding  day  marked
        the valedictory program with a fitting
        finale  to  the  event.  Sri  Allola
        Indrakaran  Reddy,  the  Minister,
        graced the occasion as the chief guest.
        The  distinguished  presence  included                                                   Director of
        Sri  Gaddigari  Vittal  Reddy,  Mudhole                                                  School Educa on
        MLA, Sri Musharraf Ali Faruque, the                                                      Smt. Devasena Garu
        district  collector,  and  Sri  Hemanth                                                  watching the
        Borkhade,  the  additional  collector,                                                   exhibit
        who attended as special guests.
               In a moment of anticipation,
        Minister Sri Allola Indrakaran Reddy
        unveiled  the  sealed  envelope
        containing  the  jury  committee's
        results,  revealing  the  winners  of  the
        best  science  exhibits.  Later,  District
        Collector  Sri  Musharraf  Ali  Faruqui,
        disclosed  the  best  Inspire  exhibit
        winners. These remarkable achievers
        were presented with merit certificates
        and mementos.
               M i n i s t e r   S r i   A l l o l a
        I n d r a k a r a n   R e d d y   s p e c i a l l y
        mentioned  and  appreciated  Kumari
        Kacharla  Sahithya,  a  10th-grade
        student from Model School, Gollapally
        in Jagithyal district for demonstrating
        an extraordinary talent by reciting all
        108 elements of the modern periodic
        table  in  jst  41  seconds.  Equally
        praiseworthy  were  Kumari  S.  Devika
        and  Sai  Spandhana,  9th-grade
        students  from  ZPHS  Mahadevpur  of
        Jayashankar  Bhupalapally  district,
        who  showcased  an  exceptional
        performance  in  "Eye  Coding"  –
        reading  words  written  by  another
        person  solely  through  eye  signs  of
        their  co-student,  all  without
        physically seeing the words.
               Throughout  these  three
        remarkable  days,  a  daily  "Luckiest
        Student  of  the  Day"  activity  was
        conducted  to  encourage  and  engage   Members of Jury commi ee observing the science and inspire exhibits
        the students. The student selected as
        the  "Luckiest  Student  of  the  Day"

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