Page 13 - EDUSURE- JAN-FEB-23
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being.    The  importance  of  this   focused  approach  will  yield  fruitful   in  the  year  2021,  the  performance  of
        movement is the crucial role that civil   results in the coming years. The boom   students in Telangana State is not up to
        society  members,  senior  government   in  technology  will  make  knowledge   the  mark.  There  is  a  dire  need  to
        teachers, and young volunteers played   accessible  to  everyone;  once  all  our   concentrate  on  strengthening
        in  ensuring  its  success.  It  is  a  call  to   children are able to read and write, they   foundational skills in education within
        action  for  all  citizens,  including   will  be  able  to  independently  extract   Telangana.
        corporate,  bureaucratic,  and  political   knowledge  through  technology  and      C h i l d r e n   w h o   c a n n o t
        authorities, to actively take part in this   enhance their skills.       concentrate  at  school  are  disturbed  by
        change process.                            Learning  disparities  were   different  factors  playing  out  around
               The  movement  promotes  the   already  a  serious  issue  in  primary   them. These economic, social, political,
        idea that everyone here is ‘for children’   schools  in  India.  Annual  Status  of   and geographical factors determine the
        (Pillala  Kosam-the  slogan  for  this   Education  Report  (ASER)  has  been   learning  environment  for  children,
        mission), and hence all activities will be   documenting  achievement  gaps   thereby  affecting  their  abilities  either
        focused on improving their well-being   among students since 2005.  Children   positively or negatively. “It takes a village
        and capacity. It is the first project of its   from low-income families suffered the   to  raise  a  child"-  This  conventional
        kind to establish an idea and a platform   most since they have limited access to   African  wisdom,  which  states  that
        for  working  cooperatively  and    learning resources and social support.   children  do  not  grow  up  alone  in
        constructively to support children who   According  to  the  recent  National   isolation; we need to create and nurture
        are  not  able  to  master  foundational   Achievement Survey (NAS) conducted   an environment that helps children grow
        skills  in  their  primary  grades.  This   by the NCERT for grades 3, 5, 8, and 10   and become better citizens in the future.

        Volunteers with students efforts to make children able to master founda onal skills.

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