Page 14 - EDUSURE- JAN-FEB-23
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Empowering Education

          rough Innovative TLM Melas

               eaching  Learning  Materials   This TLM included the following:     e a s i l y   m e a s u r a b l e   m i c r o -
               (TLMs) serve as tools used by    School  Preparation  Module:  As   competencies.
        Tteachers  to  enhance  learners'      part of ensuring school readiness    A s s e s s m e n t - i n f o r m e d
        experiences  and  make  teaching  and   for  all  students,  an  engaging   instruction,  wherein  a  5+1
        learning  interesting  and  effective.   School  Preparation  Module  was   instructional  model  is  followed,
        Teachers  create  TLMs  using  locally   developed for class 1 students.   involving 5 days of instruction, 1
        available materials, often with minimal    Teacher  Handbooks:  Addressing   d a y   o f   a s s e s s m e n t ,   a n d
        or no cost. These instructional materials   learning  loss  due  to  Covid,   subsequent revised instruction.
        facilitate  active  participation  among   supporting  teachers  through   The  above  mentioned  TLM  is
        learners  and  contribute  to  achieving   teacher  handbooks  and  students   distributed  in  a  timely  manner  as
        learning  objectives,  promoting  better   through  student  workbooks.   support material to all schools within
        memory retention over time. TLMs are   Teacher handbooks provide clear   the state.
        not only tools or materials prepared by   guidance  and  suggestions  for   TLM Melas: As a teacher led initiative,
        teachers  but  also  include  support   teachers  on  daily,  weekly,  and
        materials,  including  activities      annual  textbook  transactions.   the  state  also  encouraged  low-cost
        developed by SCERT for instructional   They include annual, weekly, and   innovation TLM creation by teachers
        purposes.                              period plans to assist teachers in   for grades 1-5. These were showcased in
                                               organizing  their  instructional   TLM melas conducted at Mandal and
        Teaching Learning Materials:           time  and  classroom  plans.  All   District levels. Teachers utilized cost-
               T L M   c e n t e r e d   a r o u n d   learning  outcomes  for  subjects   effective  or  no-cost  materials,
        student  learning  outcomes  were      like Telugu, English, Urdu, Math,
        created over a series of workshops by   and  EVS  across  grades  1-5  are   exhibiting  their  creations  at  Mandal
        SCERT  for  all  the  primary  grades.   broken  down  into  simple  and   and district levels.

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