Page 12 - EDUSURE- JAN-FEB-23
P. 12

Empowering Change rough Collective

             Effort: e 'Pillala Kosam' Initiative

            n  an  effort  to  complement  the   children,  the  initiative's  success  has   in  the  Tholimettu  Community
            'Tholimettu'  (Foundational     paved  the  way  for  further  expansion   Movement  by  supporting  the  young
        ILiteracy  and  Numeracy  (FLN)     across all 33 districts of Telangana and   volunteers  by  offering  guidance,
        Mission)  program  and  provide     also institutionalizing the practice of   knowledge,  and  resources.  Over  Civil
        targeted  support  to  struggling   c o m m u n i t y   i n v o l v e m e n t   b y   societies also came forward and joined
        students, the 'Pillala Kosam' initiative   energizing  and  activating  school   the collective to render their support to
        was  launched  as  a  volunteer-led   management  committees.  In  this   mobilize  and  train  the  volunteers.
        student  engagement  movement.      journey, Bharath Dekho is also playing   Their knowledge and experience serve
        Beginning  in  August  2022  across   a vital role.                     as  a  lighthouse,  helping  volunteers
        Hyderabad, Medchal, Rangareddy, and        Bharath  Dekho  is  a  Non-  overcome  obstacles  and  have  the
        Yadadri  districts,  this  community-  Governmental  Organisation  with  a   greatest  possible  influence  on  the
        driven  effort  involves  dedicated   team of young passionate citizens who   ground.  A  select  group  of  105  DRPs
        volunteers  working  together  to  offer   strongly  believe  in  collaborative  civic   were chosen and trained to serve as the
        p e r s o n a l i z e d   a s s i s t a n c e   a n d   engagement.  They  aim  at  energizing   program's master trainers.
        encouragement  to  students  in  need,   and  g etting  support  from  the      T h e   P i l l a l a   K o s a m -
        aiming to create a positive impact on   experienced  professionals  within  the   Tholimettu  Community  Movement
        their educational journey.          governmental  system.  They  strongly   aims to mobilize community members
               Having now expanded to four   believe that the advice and assistance   to  actively  engage  with  pressing
        districts  a  total  number  of  568   of knowledgeable people are crucial for   societal  issues.  The  movement's
        volunteers  and  300  schools  are   any  movement's  advancement.  The   central  principle  was  brought  to  life
        engaged in the initiative so far with an   participation  of  District  Resource   through  the  innovative  and  devoted
        intention of scaling up across the state.    Persons  (DRPs),  distinguished  senior   efforts  of  diverse  groups  of  people  to
        With  its  impact  felt  by  nearly  6000   government teachers, has been pivotal   improve children's education and well-

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