Page 7 - EDUSURE- JAN-FEB-23
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Director SCERT (in the middle) and guests releasing the Compendium of SCIENCE SEMINAR PAPERS.
        i n s i g h t s   o f   e d u c a t o r s   a n d   Department of Physics acted as Jury   collaborative  exchange,  and  the
        practitioners actively engaged in the   members                          exploration  of  innovative  ideas  that
        field of science education.                  After meticulous review and   could contribute to the advancement
                Dr. J. Vatsala Rani, Principal   assessment,  29  outstanding  papers   of science education in the state. As a
        Scientist, IICT, Hyderabad has given    were chosen for presentation on the   part  of  seminar,  a  Volume  of
        the key note address Dr. A. Nageshwar   February  28th,  2023.  The  seminar   compendium  was  brought  out
        Rao, Asst. Professor, Dr. K. Sadhana,   took place at the Godavari Auditorium   consisting  of  the  29  chosen  papers,
        Asst. Professor, Dr. Md. Chand Pasha,   located within SCERT premises. This   encapsulating  the  collective
        HOD,  Dept.  of  Microbiology  and  Dr.   venue  provided  an  appropriate   knowledge and innovative ideas of the
        H i m a b i n d u ,   A s st .   P r o f e s s o r,   platform for intellectual discussions,   contributors.

                               Par cipants at SCERT Godavari Auditorium Hyderabad Telangana State.
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