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the insights of practicing teachers and   v i s u a l   s l a t e   t a i l o r e d   f o r   t h e   alphabets,  laying  a  robust  foundation
        educational  experts.  These  combined   foundational stages of education. This   for further education. Its effectiveness
        efforts have culminated in the creation   versatile tool not only aids children's   has  been  demonstrated  by  Nayak
        of the transformative educational tool   learning but also finds applicability in   himself, who used ‘MY SLATE’ to teach
        is a reality today.                 diverse  settings  such  as  Gram    his family members. With this tool, any
               Nayak's passion for teaching is   Panchayats,  Urban  Panchayats,   teacher  can  teach  their  students
        evident in his words: “Teaching is not   Anganwadi  Centers,  and  Private   Te l u g u ,   H i n d i ,   E n g l i s h   a n d
        only  my  profession,  but  also  my   Schools. It is an empowering solution   Mathematics without struggle.
        passion.” This passion was ignited by a   for  illiterate  individuals  of  all  ages,      On July 19, 2022, Minister of
        deep-seated concern for students who   fostering self-learning and minimizing   Medical  -  Health  and  Finance,  Mr.  T.
        struggled with basic alphabet learning.   the burden of school bags. 'My Slate'   Harish Rao, inaugurated 'My Slate' at
        Two  students,  Kunta  Vaishnavi  and   not only lightens the load for students,   GMR  Function  Hall,  Patancheruvu.
        Kunta Vishnu, stood out as challenging   but  also  paves  the  way  for  an   Patancheru  MLA,  G.  Mahipal  Reddy,
        cases.  It  was  these  students  who   environmentally friendly education.  a l s o   e xt e n d e d   h i s   s u p p o r t   by
        spurred  Nayak's inspiration  to  devise      ‘MY  SLATE’s  efficacy  has   contributing  slates  to  Nayak's  school
        the innovative solution, ‘MY SLATE’.   been  demonstrated  through  its   students.  The  media's  interest  was
               ‘MY SLATE’ is an easy learning   successful  implementation  in  over  a   sparked  by  ‘MY  SLATE’  leading  to
                                            t h o u sa n d   s c h o o l s,   m a r k i n g   a   student observations, interviews, and a
                                            significant  stride  towards  achieving   growing  appreciation  for  the  tool’s
                                            100% literacy. This accomplishment is   transformative impact.
                                            in line with the vision of Chief Minister      Practicality lies at the heart of
                                            Sri. K. Chandrashekar Rao, who, in his   ‘MY  SLATE’.  This  paperless  and  eco-
                                            2020  New  Year  resolution,  aimed  to   friendly tool eliminates the children’s
                                            achieve 100% literacy within the State.    need  for  carrying  heavy  books  to
                                                   Urging the educated populace   school,  enhancing  accessibility  and
                                            to commit to transforming Telangana   mobility. It's conveniently available to
                                            into  a  fully  literate  region,  he  called   students  in  a  tray  box  within  the
                                            upon  each  educated  individual  to   classroom,  ensuring  a  seamless
      With this tool, any                   participate  in  the  ‘Each  One  Teach   learning  experience.  Nayak  assures
                                            One’  initiative.  Despite  the  State's
                                                                                 that after a week's usage, students can
      teacher can teach                     prominence across various sectors and   c o n s t r u c t   n e a r l y   2 0 0   w o r d s
       their students Telugu,               still  faces  challenges  in  terms  of   independently, fostering their sense of
                                            its  leading  position  in  the  country,  it
       Hindi, English and                   literacy rates.                             Nayak's  aspirations  extend

                                                   The  core  essence  of  ‘MY
        Mathematics                         SLATE’ lies in its ability to infuse joy   beyond  the  classroom.  He  urges  the
                                                                                 government to take affirmative action in
        without struggle.                   into learning. By placing children at the   promoting ‘MY SLATE’. across primary
                                            center of the learning process, the tool
                                            enables them to progress at their own   schools up to class III in Telangana State.
                                                                                 His vision is to make quality education
                                            pace. Over a span of approximately 60   accessible to every child, contributing to
                                            working days, students can master the   our society  free from illiteracy.

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