Page 8 - EDUSURE- JAN-FEB-23
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Dr. Sri A. Ravinder Reddy  invi ng the guests

      50th State Level Science Exhibition

          and Inspire Project Competition

               he  50th  State  Level  RBVP                                     total  of  731  student  participants  and
              S c i e n c e   E x h i b i t i o n   a n d     Development in   762  guide teacher participants.
        TINSPIRE  Awards-MANAK                   Communication                          To  enhance  the  exhibition's
        were  jointly  organized  by  SCERT      & Technology                   educational impact, displays included
        Te l a n g a n a .   T h e   d e p a r t m e n t     Eco-Friendly Materials  flexes showcasing renowned scientists
        orchestrated  both  the  State  Level     Health & Hygiene             and an interesting exhibit featuring a
        Science, Mathematics & Environment      Transport & Innovations        balloon filled with hydrogen gas.
        Exhibition (RBVP) and the State Level     Environment-related                  The  event  featured  the
        Exhibition and Project Competition of                                   captivating  "Satellite  on  Wheels,"
        INSPIRE Awards, hosted at St. Thomas      Innovations                   organized by scientists from ISRO and
        High  School  in  Nirmal  District,  from     Historical Developments   the National Remote Sensing Agency.
        January  9th  to  January  11th,  2023.  A      and Present Innovations  Additionally,  a  Sky  View  program
        total  of  451  Science  Exhibits  and  257     Mathematics in Our Lives.  allowed  attendees  to  observe  stars
        Inspire  Exhibits  were  showcased  by                                  through  telescopes  provided  by  the
        students hailing from all 33 districts of   themes:                     Department of Science & Technology.
        Telangana  state.  Notably,  two  junior      The  state-level  exhibition      To   f u r t h e r   e n r i c h   t h e
        scientists, Sri Abhinash Samal and Sri   featured a total of 225 exhibits in the   experience,  cultural  performances,
        Karthik  Patel  from  the  National   Junior  Section  (6th,  7th,  8th  classes)   mime  shows,  and  magic  shows  were
        Innovation  Foundation,  attended  as   and 226 exhibits in the Senior Section   scheduled  every  evening  to  provide
        National Observers for this exhibition.  (9th, 10th classes). Additionally, there   entertainment  for  the  students.  The
               The  primary  theme  of  the   were 26 exhibits from teachers, 5 from   exhibition  saw  the  participation  of
        exhibition is "Technology and Toys,"   trainee  teachers,  and  23  from  tribal   approximately 2500 students and 700
        which  holds  seven  distinctive  sub-  schools, resulting in a comprehensive   guide teachers each day.

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