Page 16 - EDUSURE- JAN-FEB-23
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Poreddy Ashok,
                                                                                                           Head Master,
                                                                                                           ZPSS KURA,
                                                                                                           Jainad Dist.

         Geesa Sreeja with (from le  ) HM Poreddy Ashok, Adilabad MLA Jogu Ramanna Garu,
         Ex Upa-sarpanch Mekala Venkanna, MPP Marshe y Govardan and Father Geesa Venkanna
                          A Rising Literary Star

               v e r y   y e a r   t h e   c e n t r a l   under  the  editorialship  of  Poreddy
               g o v e r n m e n t   g r a n t s   a   Ashok,  Headmaster  of  Kura  High
        Escholarship  at  the  national      School.  It  contains  20  children's
        level to the boys and girls who excel in   stories.  Geesa  Sreeja  wrote  these
        the  fields  of  literature  and  culture.   stories  mainly  based  on  real  life
        Every  year  the  Central  Cultural   scenes of animals, birds and humans.
        Resource and Training Center selects   Headmaster  Poreddy  Ashok  made
        30  students  in  the  field  of  creative   writing  stories  a  habit  for  the                 Geesa
        writing and grants Rs 3600 per year   children in his school from the sixth                      Sreeja
        till the student reaches the age of 20   standard.
        years.  Geesa  Sreeja,  who  studied  at      On  the  occasion  of  Girl's
        Koora  Zilla  Parishad  High  School,   Day, Sreeja was conferred the Young
        Jainath  Mandal,  Adilabad  District,   Achiever  Award  by  the  Central
        was selected for the scholarship this   Education Department for the year   Chennayya  on  the  occasion  of  Bala
        year in the creative writing category.   2022.  She  also  received  prizes  in   Sahitya Sammelanam held in May of
        Earlier  this  scholarship  was  granted   s t a t e   l e v e l   s t o r y   w r i t i n g   this year. To enhance her growth skill
        only to one person in Telugu language   competitions.  In  the  story  writing   as  a  writer,  Geesa  Sreeja  has  been
        literature in Telangana. Among the 30   c o m p e t i t i o n   o r g a n i z e d   b y   encouraged  advice  by  state  and
        students  Geesa  Sreeja  is  the  only   Upadhyaya  Darshini  Monthly   national-level  children's  literature
        student from both the Telugu states.   Magazine  of  TFTF,  a  teacher's   experts  such  as  Garipelli  Ashok,  Dr.
        For the selection of this scholarship   organization,  Sreeja  bagged  the   VR Sharma, and Dr. Pattipaka Mohan.
        applications  were  invited  from    state-level second prize along with a   Adilabad  MLA,  Sri  Jogu  Ramanna
        children aged 9 to 14 years and a test,   cash reward of Rs 2000. Sreeja has   congratulated  Shreeja  for  being
        interview  was  conducted  in  online   been  selected  for  the  Chintoju   selected  for  the  central  government
        mode in the month of February 2023   Brahmaiah-Balamani  Child  Talent   scholarship, expressing the hope that
        for  the  shortlisted  students.  Geesa   Award  of  the  year  2021.  She   she would continue her efforts in the
        Sreeja  who  is  daughter  of  proud   participated in a poetry competition   future.
        parents  Venkanna  and  Kalavathi    organized  in  Hyderabad  under  the       District  Educational  Officer,
        whose occupation is agriculture was   auspices  of  Telangana  Jagruti  and   T.Pranitha, Jainath MPP, Marishetti
        selected  for  this  scholarship  on  the   showcased  her  talent.  Additionally,   Govardhan,  Sarpanch  Addi  Lata
        basis of this test and interview.    Shreeja  received  an  appreciation   Venkata  Reddy,  SMC  Chairman
               Geesa Sreeja wrote a book of   c e r t i fi c a t e   f r o m   Te l a n g a n a   Agusam  Ashok,  village  elders,  and
        stories  titled  “Sreeja  Kathalu”  when   Saraswata Parishad President Eluri   teachers  blessed  Geesa  Shreeja  and
        she  was  studying  in  9th  standard   Siva  Reddy  and  Secretary  J.   her trainer Poreddy Ashok.

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