Page 13 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
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and her mother takes up daily wage   These  students  come  from  di erent   began  her  primary  education  at
         jobs  washing  clothes.  Pooja's   family  backgrounds  but  were  united   Shadan the School, Nizamabad. She
         educational  journey  began  at    by  a  common  goal  to  innovate  and   comes  from  a  family  where  her
         Scholars School, and she is currently   make  a  positive  impact  in  their   father,  Shaik  Afzal,  works  as  a
         p u r s u i n g   h e r   1 0 t h   c l a s s   a t   community.        mechanical welder, and her mother,
         Government  High  School  Dubba,                                        Shaik Asma Begum, is a homemaker.
         Nizamabad.                                This  project  introduced  a   Rathod  Prasanna,  studying  in  10th
                On the other hand, Ramagiri   novel approach to space optimization   class  at  Government  High  School
         Sowmya  Shri,  daughter  of  Dakaiah   by  suggesting  triangular  washrooms   Dubba,  Nizamabad,  completed  her
         and  Swapna,  belongs  to  a  family   i n s t e a d   o f   t h e   c o n v e n t i o n a l   primary education at Scholars High
         where  her  father  works  as  a  Tailor,   rectangular  shape.  The  students   School, Nizamabad.
         and  her  mother  is  a  homemaker.   proposed  that  this  innovative  design      H e r   f a t h e r ,   R a t h o d
         Sowmya Shri completed her primary   could accommodate more washrooms    Narendar, is a businessman, and her
         education at Sri Madhavi High School   in limited space, making it suitable for   mother, Rathod Archana, is a tailor.
         in  Yedapally,  Nizamabad  District.   busy  locations  such  as  bus  stations,
         Currently, she is studying in the 10th   railway stations, schools, colleges, and      Both  exhibits  garnered
         class  at  Government  High  School   fairs.                            recognition at the district level and
         Dubba, Nizamabad.                         T h e   p r o j e c t   n o t   o n l y   earned  a  spot  in  the  state-level
                                            demonstrated their creative thinking   competition.  The  students  were
         Triangular Washroom:               b u t   a l s o   a d d r e s s e d   p r a c t i c a l   honored  by  Nizamabad  District  ZP
                                            challenges  in  providing  sanitation   Chairman Shri Dadannagaari Vithal,
         In another exhibit, Ifra Fathima and   facilities e ciently.            Additional  Collector  Chandra
         R  Prasanna,  also  9th  standard                                       Shekar,  and  District  DEO  Durga
         s t u d e n t s   g u i d e d   b y   C   H      Ifra  Fathima,  currently   Prasad. The Headmaster J Gangaiah
         Muddukrishna,  showcased  their    studying in 10th class at Government   and the entire sta  commended the
         project,  "Triangular  Washroom."   High  School  Dubba,  Nizamabad,    students and their guide teacher, C H
                                                                                 Muddukrishna, for their outstanding
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