Page 12 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
P. 12

Cool Umbrella in Hot Summer

        Innovative Projects Shine:

        "Cool Umbrella in Hot Summer"

               and "Triangular Washroom

              he 50th Rashtriya Bala Vigyan   Thirmaldhar  Pooja  and  Ramagiri   strategically  placed  saline  pipes  for
              E x h i b i t i o n   2 0 2 2   a t   t h e   Sowmya  Shri,  both  from  diverse   water  circulation.  To  enhance  its
        TNizamabad  district  level,        backgrounds,  collaborated  on  this   cooling  e ect,  a  solar  panel-driven
        organized  by  the  Telangana  State   project  with  a  shared  passion  for   propeller fan was installed underneath,
        Government,  was  held  at  St.  Francis   addressing  the  challenges  posed  by   ensuring  a  refreshing  experience  for
        School  from  December  5th  to     the scorching summer sun.           those carrying the umbrella.
        December  6th,  2022,  spanning  two
        days.                                      This  innovative  solution          The practical applications and
                                            aimed  to  provide  respite  from  the   potential  bene ts  of  their  invention
               In    these  competition,    intense  summer  sun  for  individuals   were  clearly  emphasized,  showcasing
        Government High School Dubba's 9th   w o r k i n g   o u t d o o r s ,   s u c h   a s   the  students'  concern  for  individuals
        standard students, Thirmaldhar Pooja   s h o e m a k e r s ,   t r a   c   p o l i c e ,   exposed to the harsh sun.
        a n d   R a m a g i r i   S o w m y a   S h r i ,   commercial advertisers, and fruit and
        demonstrated their inventive project,   vegetable vendors.                     Thirmaldhar  Pooja,  daughter
        "Cool  Umbrella  in  Hot  Summer,"                                      of  Maruthi  and  Meera,  hails  from  a
        under the guidance of their dedicated      The umbrella design featured   family  where  her  father  works  as  a
        t e a c h e r,   C   H   M u d d u k r i s h n a .   a  cotton  cloth  covering  with   Hamali at Nizamabad Railway Station,

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