Page 11 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
P. 11


              Revolutionizing Professional

        Development in Siddipet District

             n recent times, the word "PACE"
             has  become  a  buzzword  in
        ISiddipet  District  and  among
        teachers  in  Telangana.  PACE  stands
        for  Professional  Advancement  and
        Continuing  Education,  a  virtual
        C o n t i n u i n g   P r o f e s s i o n a l
        Development  (CPD)  program
        categorized as MOOCS. This program
        is a brainchild of Additional Collector
        Muzammil Khan, with the dedicated
        e orts  of  Academic  Monitoring
        O cer Bhasker.
                While CPDs are not a novelty,
        PACE has set itself apart in terms of
        execution  and  reach.  Traditionally,
        teacher  pro ciency  development
        p r o g r a m s   a t t r a c t   m i n i m a l   spaces,  pedagogical  leadership,   sta  attitude and the shift towards a
        participation,  especially  from  the   innovative  practices,  emerging   21st-century  educator  mindset.  The
        government sector. Conducting such a   technologies,  gender-responsive   success of PACE is a testament to the
        program  during  summer  vacation   classrooms,  and  peer  learning,  the   visionary  leadership  of  Bhasker,  the
        would  typically  yield  low  response.   program  ran  from  May  5th  to  June   dedicated team, and the support from
        H o w e v e r ,   P A C E   h a s   d e   e d   14th,  2023,  with  sessions  every   the Additional Collector.
        expectations,  captivating  almost  all   Tuesday and Wednesday at 3 PM. Each      In an interview with Edusure,
        teachers,  Headmasters,  and  Mandal   session was viewed live by nearly 4000   Mr.  Bhasker  expressed  appreciation
        Education  O cers.  The  program    teachers,  and  within  24  hours,  it   for  the  team  and  the  Additional
        culminated  with  an  assessment  test,   garnered  an  average  of  15,000  views   C o l l e c t o r,   e m p h a s i z i n g   t h e
        providing  participants  with  the   per session.                        transparent  approach  in  developing
        opportunity  to  earn  an  online           The impact of PACE extended   the PACE program. He highlighted the
        certi cate.                         beyond  Siddipet  District,  with    accidental genesis of the idea, initiated
                "It  is  certainly  a  courageous   teachers  from  across  the  state  and   by the Additional Collector's inquiry
        move,"  remarked  Mr.  Bhasker,  the   even  the  country  tuning  in.  Some   i n t o   h o w   t e a c h e r s   c o u l d   b e
        District Academic Monitoring O cer.   sessions  were  watched  live  from  the   empowered  during  vacation.  The
        The success of PACE is attributed to   USA,  showcasing  the  program's   program's  theme,  content,  and
        the  robust  back-end  team  that   brilliance and broad viewership.     execution were strategically planned,
        believed in his vision and gave a new       Many Headmasters, teachers,   making  it  a  grand  success.  Bhasker
        dimension  to  the  concept  of  online   and  monitoring  o cers  now  request   acknowledged the e orts of the back-
        CPD. Mr. Bhasker expressed gratitude   tailor-made  programs  from  the   end  team  and  the  DEO  for  their
        to  the  Additional  Collector  for   District,  indicating  the  success  of   support.
        trusting  him  and  providing  the   PACE.  The  Course  Coordinator,           As  PACE  continues  to  make
        f r e e d o m   t o   m a k e   d e c i s i o n s .   Bhasker,  a rmed  that  PACE  has   waves in the education sector, it serves
        Muzammil  Khan's  background  as  an   gained  recognition,  and  plans  are   a s   a   m o d e l   f o r   i n n o v a t i v e ,
        alumnus of Teach for India and strong   underway for  more  surprises  for  the   comprehensive,  and  impactful
        pedagogical  understanding  played  a   teaching community in the district. He   professional  development  in  the
        vital role in the success of the program.  expressed  gratitude  to  the  back-end   teaching  community.  The  success  of
                PACE,  a  twelve-session    team  and  the  District  Education   PACE lies in its ability to engage and
        program,  focused  on  the  changing   O cer for their support.          empower  educators,  setting  a
        trends  in  education.  Covering  topics      Participants  praised  the   benchmark  for  the  future  of  CPD
        such  as  21st-century  skills,  learning   program, noting its positive impact on   programs in the state.

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