Page 16 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
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Transforming Education Through Innovation and Dedication:

                   e Journey of Govt. Upper

            Primary Urdu Medium School,

                              Mandal Kulcharam

                  ohammed  Naseeruddin
                  S.A,  a  dedicated  educator
        Mwith  degrees  in  Biology
        (B.Sc,  M.Sc  TTC,  B.Ed),  is  the
        Headmaster of Govt. Upper Primary
        Urdu  Medium  School  in  Mandal
        Kulcharam,  District:  Medak,
        Telangana.  His  association  with  the
        school, established in 1989, began in
        2015,  during  a  challenging  period
        when only 25 students were enrolled.
               The  school,  established  in
        1989,  has  seen  various  headmasters
        and  teachers  come  and  go.  When
        Mohammed  Naseeruddin  took
        charge  in  2015,  the  school  faced  a
        signi cant  challenge  with  only  25   District Best TLM Mela Award By Yasmeen Basha, Deputy Collector Sangareddy 2016
        students.  Determined  to  uplift  its   school stands as the sole Government   of  visual  learning,  especially  in
        status,  he  initiated  a  remarkable   Urdu  Medium  School  in  Kulcharam   complex  subjects  like  science,
        transformation  including  the      Mandal, serving a vital role in a 15 KM   Mohammed  adopted  Teaching
        physical  elevation  of  the  school  and   radius.                     Learning  Material  (TLM)  to  make
        the addition of vibrant trees which not      Recognizing the signi cance   l e s s o n s   e n g a g i n g   a n d
        only enhanced its appearance but also   of  visual  learning,  especially  in   comprehensible. The strategy proved
        created an inviting atmosphere.     complex  subjects  like  science,   e   e c t i v e ,   a n d   h i s   s t u d e n t s
               A s   t h e   H e a d m a s t e r ,   Mohammed  adopted  Teaching   consistently excelled in science fairs,
        Mohammed considers his mission is   Learning  Material  (TLM)  to  make   winning accolades at various levels.
        to ensure that his students never feel   l e s s o n s   e n g a g i n g   a n d      T h e   st u d e n t s   a c t i v e l y
        inferior  in  comparison  to  private   comprehensible. The strategy proved   engaged in science fairs, securing top
        schools.  By  infusing  vibrant  colors   e   e c t i v e ,   a n d   h i s   s t u d e n t s   honors at the district level in Mandal.
        and joy into the school environment,   consistently excelled in science fairs,   Fu r t h e r m o r e ,   t h e y   n o t   o n l y
        he  aimed  to  attract  children  and   winning accolades at various levels.   participated  but  also  served  as
        cultivate  a  love  for  learning.  The
                                                   Recognizing the signi cance   inspiration  in  science  fairs  held  in

           Best  FLN Dis ct  Mela 1st Prize       Students learning to make      Learning  by doing students making
              Received By Dist Collector       blackboard dusters from Teachers  paper pockets by waste news papers
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