Page 18 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
P. 18

Prabhat Pheri, showcasing a model of
        national  integration.  Dressed  in
        symbols  representing  various
        religions,  including  Hinduism,
        Islam, and Christianity, the students
        received  appreciation  from  their
        parents  in  the  village  and  the
        Sarpanch.  This  role  model  event
        contributes  to  fostering  unity,
        strength, and social cohesion within
        c o m m u n i t i e s   a n d   s o c i e t y,
        celebrating diversity.
                T h e   s c h o o l   l i b r a r y   i s
        e ciently managed by a committee
        comprising   ve  7th-grade  students
        w h o   t a k e   r e s p o n s i b i l i t y   f o r
        maintaining the library register. This
        committee  ensures  well-organized
        library  periods,  incorporating
        activities such as reading aloud and
        book  discussions.  These  endeavors
        not  only  facilitate  students  in
        acquiring  knowledge  but  also
        contribute  signi cantly  to  their
        overall development.
                In  the  evolving  education
        s y s t e m ,   I n f o r m a t i o n   a n d
        Communication  Technology  (ICT)
        assumes  a  pivotal  role.  As  the
        headmaster,  Mohammed  took  the
        initiative  to  create  two  YouTube
        channels:  AIITA  DIGITAL  CLASS
        and URDU POEMS MEDAK.
                These  channels  o er  an
        extensive  collection  of  subject-wise
        videos,  totaling  nearly  3000,  along
        with useful playlists tailored for both
        students  and  teachers.  The  content
        aims  to  enhance  the  learning
        experience  and  cater  to  the  diverse
        needs of our educational community.
                Furthermore,  the  school s
        smart  classroom  is  designed  to  be
        attractive and colorful, contributing
        t o   a n   e n g a g i n g   l e a r n i n g
        e n v i r o n m e n t .   M o h a m m e d
        personally  took  on  the  task  of
        painting the walls and a water tank,
        utilizing  the  remaining  paints  from
        his house construction. This hands-
        on  approach  ensures  a  vibrant  and
        visually  stimulating  setting  for
        e ective  teaching  and  learning
                Through  the  generous
        support  of  his  family,  close  friends,
        and sponsors such as MD Jalaluddin
        (Bank  Manager),  MD  Nazeer
        (Software Company, Singapore), and
        the Siddipet Foundation Trust, along
        with  the  contributions  of  MD

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