Page 15 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
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Parishad Primary School Giripally in   that  a  substantial  majority  of   promoted the concept of the home as
        Siddipet  District.  MPPS  Giripally,   s t u d e n t s   w e r e   p r o   c i e n t   i n   a  learning  space  during  parent
        situated in Gajwel Mandal, Siddipet   "Varnamala"  and  "Guninthalu"     meetings. She motivated parents to
        District, serves 89 students with the   before  the  library's  establishment.   utilize  library  materials  e ectively,
        dedicated  e orts  of  four  regular   Her  commitment  extended  beyond   emphasizing their role in fostering a
        teachers.                           regular  school  hours,  with  Mrs.   conducive  learning  environment  at
                                            Vasantha arriving early at 8:30 AM to   home.
        The  library,  inaugurated  in  2022,   provide students with access to books
        faced  initial  apprehensions  from   for approximately 45 minutes.      As a result of Mrs. Vasantha's e orts,
        teachers  who  perceived  it  as  an   Engaging  actively  in  reading   the  teachers  are  now  consistently
        additional  responsibility.  However,   a c t i v i t i e s ,   M r s .   V a s a n t h a   i s s u i n g   b o o k s   t o   s t u d e n t s ,
        Mrs.  Vasantha,  a  proactive  teacher,   implemented various strategies such   c o n d u c t i n g   r e g u l a r   r e a d i n g
        played  a  pivotal  role  in  dispelling   as  Read  Aloud,  Shared  Reading,   activities,  and  extending  learning
        concerns  and  fostering  a  positive   Paired  Reading,  and  Independent   through  various  activities.  The
        outlook  among  her  colleagues.  Her   Reading across di erent grades. Her   library,  once  met  with  skepticism,
        unwavering  support  and  active    role  expanded  to  guiding  and     has evolved into a highly functional
        involvement  in  both  meetings  and   demonstrating  these  activities  for   s p a c e ,   c o n t r i b u t i n g   t o   t h e
        library  maintenance  contributed   fellow  teachers.  Additionally,  Mrs.   improvement  of  children's  interest
        signi cantly  to  overcoming  initial   Vasantha  played  a  vital  role  in   levels,  drawing  abilities,  reading
        reluctance.                         m a n a g i n g   st o r y b o o k   i s s u e s,   skills, and the cultivation of a strong
                                            maintaining  library  records,  and   reading habit during library periods.
                                            strengthening  the  Child  Library   Room  to  Read  India's  Literacy
        Mrs.  Vasantha's  dedication  was   Management Committee.                Program,  with  dedicated  educators
        evident  from  the  outset.  She    Recognizing  the  importance  of     like  Mrs.  Vasantha,  continues  to
        recognized  the  pivotal  role  of   extending  learning  to  the  home   make  a  lasting  impact  on  the
        foundational literacy skills, ensuring   environment, Mrs. Vasantha actively   educational landscape.

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