Page 17 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
P. 17

Mohammed cra ed a groundbreaking digital microscope using affordable
                                             materials, specifically a laser light lens readily available at any sta onery
                                             shop for just Rs. 100. By a aching this lens to his smartphone camera, he
                                              achieved a magnifica on of 100  mes larger than a regular microscope.
                                              This innova on earned him the first prize at the Southern Level Science
                                             Fair in Hyderabad, offering a cost­effec ve solu on that could poten ally
                                                          save Rs. 20,000 for each government school.

        G u n t u r ,   V i s h a k h a p a t n a m ,   skillfully crafted a miniature model of   group, where students actively share
        Hyderabad, and Anantapur.           the Chandrayaan-3 rocket, intending   science  and  technology  videos,  stay
               The  school  organized   eld   to  emphasize  the  importance  of   updated  on  syllabus  changes,  and
        trips for students to visit the nearby   rockets, the signi cance of the Moon,   engage  with  moral  content.  This
        paddy  agricultural  land,  providing   and  the  vast  expanse  of  space,   initiative aims to keep students well-
        them  with  valuable  practical     capturing  the  imagination  of  young   informed and connected at all times.
        experience.  These  excursions  aimed   minds.                                  On  the  occasion  of  15th
        to  help  students  comprehend  the         In his school, technology and   August, the students of Govt. Upper
        rigorous  e orts  farmers  invest  in   communication  are  leveraged   Primary  Urdu  Medium  School
        cultivating,  harvesting,  and  selling   through  a  dedicated  WhatsApp   actively  participated  in  a  morning
        crops  in  the  market.  The   eld  trips
        proved  highly  bene cial,  leading  to
        noticeable  improvements  in  the
        students'  academic  performance.
        They  gained  insights  into  how  their
        classroom  experiences  in  science
        align  with  real-life  careers  in
        agriculture.  Following  visits  to
        agricultural  elds, students compiled
        a comprehensive list of crops grown in
        their  local  area.  Educating  students
        within  the  con nes  of  a  classroom
        poses challenges, as it is often di cult
        to  illustrate  how  lessons  connect  to
        tangible  real-world  careers,  such  as
        those in agriculture.
               Chandrayaan-3,  the  recent
        lunar mission, was launched with the
        objective  of  creating  awareness
        a m o n g   c h i l d r e n   a b o u t   s p a c e
        exploration.  A  student  of  class  II

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