Page 7 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
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m a r g i n a l i z e d   s t u d e n t s   o f   t h e
        community. He actively participated in
        DPEP trainings and TLM preparations.
        During this period, he worked towards
        upgrading  MPPS  Vavilala  to  UPS
               After  being  transferred  to
        M P P S   Y e l l a i g u d e m   C o l o n y ,
        Chennaraopet  Mandal  of  Warangal
        District, Mr. Kola motivated students of
        scheduled  castes  in  the  community  to
        pursue  further  studies.  He  received  a
        Mandal-level TLM award. He also began   Impar ng training to the teachers of  Erstwhile Warangal about CLIx pla orm
        introducing basic English vocabulary to
        these  students.  Ravi  Kumar  Kola  was
        promoted  to  the  position  of  School
        Assistant  (English)  in  2009.  Following
        his promotion, he remained active and
        dedicated in his work.
               During  his  service  at  ZPHS
        Cherlapalem, Mr. Kola made signi cant
        e orts  to  secure  grants  for  TELSA
        (Telugu Society of America), facilitating
        the donation of bicycles to students and
        supporting  ECO  Awareness  projects
        from  DDS  (Deccan  Development
        Society)  under  the  Ministry  of
        E nv i r o n m e n t   a n d   Fo r e s t s.   H e
        collaborated with a team of teachers for   Presenta on in Design Thinking Course at TISS, Mumbai.
        the  successful  conduction  of  Golden   Jubilee Celebrations at the school. Due      Many villagers are involved in
                                            to this program, the school received a   rock crafting and sand mining, while a
                                            grant  of  50  lakhs,  resulting  in  the   few  engage  in  farming  and  related
                                            c o n s t r u c t i o n   o f   b u i l d i n g s ,   activities.  The  parents  in  the  village
                                            procurement  of  four  projectors,   lack  an  understanding  of  the  true
                                            installation  of  a  water  cooler  for  safe   importance of education, leading to a
                                            drinking water, and the establishment   consistent  absence  of  students,  and
                                            of a fully equipped library in the school.   their academic standards do not meet
                                                   During  his  service  at  ZPHS   the expected levels for their respective
                                            Shaipet,  Mr.  Kola  increased  the   classes.  Initially,  conventional
                                            school's enrollment and ensured that   teaching  methods  were  employed  by
                                            all  the  students  in  the  village  were   Mr. Kola, but they failed to capture the
                                            admitted to the school. The village of   students'  attention.  In  an  e ort  to
                                            Shaipet is located in the Dharmasagar   establish a lively and joyful classroom
                                            mandal  of  Hanumakonda  District  in   environment,  there  was  a  need  for  a
        Engaging classes using the Interac ve   Telangana State.                shift  from  traditional  teaching
        Learning Object (ILO)                                                   approaches  to  modern  methods.
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