Page 9 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
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digital  lessons  re ect  a  proactive
        embrace of technology to enhance the
        learning  experience.  As  a  team
        member  for  SIET  Hyderabad,  he
        played  a  crucial  role  in  converting
        English textbooks into e-pub format,
        aligning  with  the  ongoing  digital
        transformation of education.
                Recognizing  the  importance
        of online teaching during the COVID-
        19 pandemic, he provided training to
        heads  of  institutions,  teachers,  and
        s t u d e n t s   t h r o u g h   p r o g r a m s
        conducted  by  TISS  Mumbai,  the
        Department  of  School  Education  in
        Hanumakonda, CIET NCERT in New
        Delhi, and ELTA in Warangal Urban.
        Additionally,  he  contributed  to
        uploading all the training videos to the
        District  Educational  O cer  in     Aeromodelling show at ZPHS Malkapur with the help of NCC Air Wing Instructor
        Hanumakonda and the Orugallu Badi
        YouTube channel.                    immersed  himself  for  the  fruitful   under  this  programme  covering  all
                Mr. Kola played a crucial role   implementation of these programmes   expenses.
        as a key mentor in the inaugural online   and reaped the bene ts for his student      Recognizing  the  importance
        course  designed  to  enhance  English   community.                     of research, the department provided
        language skills, known as the English      Mr.  Kola  actively  engaged  in   support  for  educators  to  pursue
        Language  Enrichment  Course        collaborative  initiatives  promoted  by   innovative  projects.  Mr.  Kola's
        (ELEC).  Through  this  program,  he   the Department of School Education.   involvement  in  research  initiatives,
        provided  valuable  guidance  and   Collaborative  projects  not  only   especially  those  related  to  English
        training to primary teachers, enabling   enriched his professional portfolio but   language  teaching  and  technology,
        them  to  develop   uent  English-  also demonstrated his ability to work   showcased  his  commitment  to
        speaking skills.                    in  diverse  settings a  quality  highly   advancing  the   eld an  aspect  that
                B e h i n d   a l l   t h e s e   valued  by  Fulbright  DAI  program   aligns with the goals of the Fulbright
        achievements, Mr. Kola perfectly and   selectors, who seek individuals capable   DAI program.
        meticulously  utilized  the  resources   of  cross-cultural  collaboration.      Mr. Kola serves as an editorial
        provided by the Department of School   Fulbright DAI Program is once in a life   board  member  of  ELTA  Telangana.
        Education,  Telangana  State.  The   time opportunity completed funded by   Actively engaging in various initiatives
        s u c c e s s   l i e s   i n   t a k i n g   e v e r y   the US Department of State's Bureau of   conducted  by  ELTA  in  collaboration
        programme  to  the  next  level.  He   E d u c a t i o n a l   a n d   C u l t u r a l   with  the  Department  of  School
        worked consistently for making each   A airs(ECA).  This  is  the  top  most   Education,  he  has  contributed  to
        challenging situation into a successful   professional development programme   programs such as "Speak English in 100
        situation.  He  engaged  and  got   for  teachers.  The  ECA  spends  nearly   Days,"  "Speak  English  in  100  Hours,"
                                            $34,000  on  each  selected  teacher   and  "Communicative  English  for

        A   e n d i n g   t h e   P r e ­ d e p a r t u r e
        Orienta on at  USIEF, New Delhi, a er
        ge ng  selected  for  Fulbright  DAI
        Program  and  placement  at  Indiana
        University of Pennsylvania (IUP).
                                            Receiving the Na onal ICT Award for school Teachers from Union Minister of State
                                            for Educa on, Smt. Annapurna Devi
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