Page 5 - MAY JUNE-2023 EUSURE
P. 5

the  consistent  achievements  of  its
               The  pinnacle  of  success  for
        School Innovation Challenge winners
        is an invitation to the "SIC-EXPO" at
        T-HUB,  organized  by  the  Telangana
        State Innovation Cell (TSIC). On July
        5th,  2023,  TSMS-DHARMARAM
        students, accompanied by their guide
        teacher, participated in the SIC-EXPO,
        showcasing their innovative ideas and
               As part of the expo, organizers
        arranged a visit to T-WORKS, exposing
        the students to cutting-edge facilities
        available for innovators. T-WORKS is a
        prototyping  center  and  a  co-working
        space  that  aims  to  support  and   Victorious smile of Shivani and Thamanna a er winning the State First Prize in SIC 2021­22
        facilitate  startups,  innovators,  and
        entrepreneurs  in  the  hardware    satellite model named "IDEASAT-D,"   and  RBVP  (formerly  known  as
        technology  domain.  It  provides   was created to captivate the students'   JNNSMEE).
        infrastructure,  equipment,  and    imagination. Alongside the idea box, a
        mentorship  to  help  individuals  and   rocket  model  served  as  a  symbolic   The journey of TSMS-DHARMARAM
        companies  in  developing  and      r e p r e s e n t a t i o n   o f   l a u n c h i n g   students  in  the  Telangana  School
        p r o t o t y p i n g   h a r d w a r e - b a s e d   innovative ideas into the world.  Innovation Challenge is a testament to
        innovations. This  rsthand experience       The  IDEASAT-D  initiative   the school's commitment to fostering a
        o ered  a  valuable  insight  into  the   encourages  students  to  write  down   culture  of  innovation  and  creativity.
        resources and opportunities that await   their  innovative  ideas  and  deposit   With  the  guidance  of  dedicated
        those with a passion for innovation.  them  into  the  idea  box  whenever   mentors  like  C.  Shiva  Krishna,  these
               C. Shiva Krishna, the mentor   inspiration strikes. Teachers, led by C.   young  minds  continue  to  push  the
        behind  the  success  of  these  budding   Shiva  Krishna,  collect  these  ideas,   boundaries  of  innovation,  leaving  an
        innovators,  introduced  a  unique   o ering  guidance  and  nominating   indelible  mark  on  the  landscape  of
        concept to stimulate creativity among   them  for  various  science  fairs,   school-level  science  and  technology
        students. An idea box, in the form of a   including Inspire Awards, SIC, NCSC,   competitions.

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