Page 12 - EDUSURE- NOV DEC-22
P. 12

Mathematics Seminar for Teachers

                              on 22nd December, 2022

       Dr. Kamala, Professor Head of the Dept of Mathematics and Smt. Radha Reddy
       Director SCERT garlanding the photo of Srinivasa Ramanujan  Releasing of compendium  of seminar papers by the guests

       Director SCERT Smt Radha Reddy addressing the Participants  Group of presenters at Godavari Auditorium, SCERT Campus

           Mathematics  seminar  for  novation in Mathematics Teaching  Principal from Khammam, have ac-  fessional development of Mathemat-
           teachers was organized at Go-  2022”.              cepted to serve as session chairper-  ics teachers. One key objective is to
       Adavari  Auditorium,  SCERT  Dr. Kamala, Professor in the De-  sons. Smt. M. Radha Reddy, Director  enable teachers to relate Mathemat-
       Campus on December 22, 2022.The  partment of Mathematics at Osmania  of  SCERT,  Telangana,  Hyderabad,  ics to modern technologies, recogniz-
       department  invited  papers  from  University, Hyderabad, agreed to de-  and Sri. Dr. S. Suresh Babu, a retired  ing the importance of incorporating
       teachers,  teacher  educators,  and  liver the keynote address on Decem-  professor  and  faculty  member  of  technological advancements in the
       other field functionaries of School  ber 22, 2022. Dr. A. Ram Babu, a re-  SCERT,  along  with  Mathematics  teaching of Mathematics. Addition-
       Education.Out of 65 papers received  tired lecturer from CTE, Warangal,  teachers from the state, participated  ally, the seminars seek to encourage
       by e-mail, 35 papers were selected for  Sri. M.S. Ranga Chary, a retired lec-  in the program.  and inspire innovative ideas in teach-
       presentation. The theme for the sem-  turer from GDC, Warangal, and Sri.  The seminar has a clear set of ob-  ing Mathematics, fostering a creative
       inar was: “Way Forward Towards In-  Khaja Azeemuddin, a retired DIET  jectives aimed at promoting the pro-  and dynamic learning environment.

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