Page 15 - EDUSURE- NOV DEC-22
P. 15

V. Sharada

       Q: Tell us about yourself.
        I  am  V.  Sharada  a  Mathematics
       teacher working as a School Assistant
       (Maths) at ZPHS Srirangavaram, lo-
       cated  in  Medchal(M),  Medchal-
       Malkajgiri District.
       Q: How did you come up with this
        In my 30 years of teaching experi-
       ence, I witnessed students struggling
       immensely while understanding the
       concepts and solving application-ori-
       ented problems in geometry, which
       are very essential for all competitive
       examinations. I embraced the chal-
       lenge and submitted my project on
       the  concept  of  "Angles  Made  by
       Transversal" in the field of Geometry
       for Vidya Amrith Mahotsav 2022.
       Q: How did you motivate your
       students?                  Mrs. V. Sharada being felicitated by Honourable Minister of Education Smt. P. Sabitha Indra Reddy Garu.
                                  Q: How did you reach to your
        I developed a cost-effective and re-                   rate in the post-assessment test.  from class 6th to 10th. These videos
       sourceful teaching-learning material  students?        Q: What are your other achievements?  were uploaded on various platforms,
       and encouraged my students to cre-  I  prepared  a  small  one-minute             including YouTube and the educational
       ate their own materials to explore  video lesson to enhance comprehen-  During the challenging times of the  website,
       and validate the equality of angles  sion  and  facilitate  better  under-  COVID-19 pandemic, when face-to-  which was established by Medchal-
       formed by a transversal. Specifically,  standing among my students. By in-  face learning was not possible, I took  Malkajgiri District. Additionally, I con-
       we focused on identifying and under-  corporating   blended   teaching  the  initiative  to  teach  my  students  tributed to the efforts of SCERT by
       standing concepts such as alternate  methods, I aimed to strengthen their  through virtual modes. I dedicated my-  preparing e-content for 6th, 7th, and
       internal angles, alternate external an-  conceptual understanding. As a re-  self to creating approximately 150 ed-  10th classes, which was then uploaded
       gles, vertically opposite angles, and  sult,  my  students  were  able  to  ucational videos that were specifically  on the Diksha Portal, ensuring acces-
       corresponding angles.      achieve a remarkable 100% success  designed to benefit students ranging  sibility to a wider audience.
        Teaching Learning Material:

          Post Assessment:

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