Page 14 - EDUSURE- NOV DEC-22
P. 14

Maram Pavithra

       Q: Tell us about yourself.
        I am Maram Pavithra, a School As-
       sistant  in  Biological  Science,  cur-
       rently working at ZPHS Gaddipally
       in Garidepally Mandal, Suryapet Dis-
       trict. I am also a member of the State
       Resource Group and actively partic-
       ipate in various initiatives conducted
       by SCERT and SIET (State Institute                                                 Digital Microscope
       of Educational Technology). I am de-
       lighted to share that my innovative
       use of digital microscope videos has
       been selected for the National level
       competition.                  Smt. Maram Pavithra receiving District Level Best Teacher Award for the
       Q: What made you selected for Vidya  academic year 2022-23 from Hon’ble Minister for Energy of Telangana.
       Amrit Mahotsav?                          Sri. Guntakandla Jagadish Reddy Garu
                                  Q: What is Hi view App?
        Exploring  the  invisible  world                      vation, as it provides a better under-
       through a digital microscope is what  The "Hi view App" processes the  standing of concepts. When it comes
       led to my selection for Vidya Amrit  input or information provided by the  to observing microbes, section cut-
       Mahotsav.                  digital microscope and displays the  tings, cells, and other tiny objects, I
       Q: Tell us about your project.  image on the screen.   utilize a compound microscope.  Class VI students observing stomata
                                  Q: In what ways are digital  Q: What are your other     under Digital Microscope.
        Students who have visibility prob-  microscope more comfortable than  achievements?
       lems find it difficult to observe sam-  compound microscope?
       ples under a compound microscope.                       I stood first and won National Sci-
       In contrast, the usage of a digital mi-  The usage of a digital microscope  ence  Teacher’s  Competition  con-
       croscope provides a more comfort-  has made my work easier. Students  ducted  by  National  Council  of
       able observation experience. With a  are enjoying the convenience of using  Teacher Scientists(NCTS) across all
       compound  microscope,  students  it and observing samples on the lap-  states in India and bagged Sarabhai
       need to adjust the knobs to obtain a  top screen without any difficulty. The  Teacher Scientist National Award
       clear picture of the sample, which  device also offers options for captur-  2021. In this Academic year 2022-
       takes time and can cause neck pain.  ing images and recording videos, al-  23, under my guidance, 5 Groups(2
       Additionally, capturing pictures and  lowing us to store sample informa-  in each group) of children partici-
       videos of the sample is challenging  tion for future reference.  pated in district level National Chil-
       with a compound microscope as it re-  Compared to a compound micro-  dren  Science  Congress.  In  these
       quires slide preparation and can only  scope, the digital microscope pro-  groups of five, one project “Water
       be viewed by one person at a time.  vides a more comfortable experience  Management  in  Terrace  Garden
       Since each individual's eye capacity  for sample observation. It is espe-  Ecosystem”  was  selected  to  state  Class VII students observing pollen
       is unique, some students may strug-  cially beneficial for students with vis-  level competition.   grains on stigma of hibiscus flower.
       gle to see the sample when it is set  ibility problems who may struggle to  In the Jawaharlal Nehru Science
       under the microscope. To overcome  observe samples under a compound  Fair, my students worked hard and
       these challenges, I purchased a digital  microscope.  With  a  digital  micro-  prepared seven projects, which we
       USB  microscope  through  online  scope,  there  is  no  need  to  adjust  exhibited. I am proud to share that
       shopping. This tool is highly useful  knobs to achieve a clear picture of the  our exhibit received the second prize
       for both teachers and students as it  sample.          in the district-level competition. Ad-
       can  be  connected  to  an  Android  Q: How do you motivate your  ditionally,  we  participated  in  the
       phone  or  laptop.  The  microscope  students?         Agastya Jignyasa state-level compe-
       processes information using the Hi                     tition, which was conducted jointly
       view app and displays the sample's  As a science teacher, I teach my  for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
       image on the screen. It offers magni-  students through experiments and  In  this  competition,  my  students'
       fication ranging from 50x to 1600x,  activities. I believe in the principle of  projects  were  recognized  and
       allowing for high clarity observations.  "learning by doing" and direct obser-  awarded two prizes, securing the 4th  Rhizopus on bread

       Class VIII students observing onion peel cells   Class IX students observing an insect (head Louse)  Students observing cells in the tip of the onion root
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