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             dusure had the opportunity
             to speak with three excep-                                                  2020 Digital poster. This recogni-
        Etional teachers from Telan-                                                     tion  was  organized  by  the  Vidya
       gana State, who were selected for the                                             Bharathi Foundation and the Cen-
       Vidya Amrit Mahotsav national edu-                                                tral Government, and I was awarded
       cational festival. These teachers have                                            a cash reward of Rs. 1000. Further-
       been recognized for their innovative                                              more, I had the honor of receiving
       projects that have made a significant                                              special appreciation and felicitation
       impact in the field of education. Let's                                            from  Smt.  Sabitha  Indra  Reddy
       delve into their projects and hear                                                Garu,  the  Education  Minister  of
       from the teachers themselves.                                                     Telangana, for my innovative work
                                                                                         in preparing the Biology Number
                                                                                         Calendar-2021.In addition, I have
           T. Ravi Shanker                                                               achieved a place in the Telugu Book
                                                                                         of Records for my innovative teach-
       Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.                                           ing techniques, such as the Biology
        I  am  T.  Ravi  Shanker,  currently                                             Number Calendar, Biology Clock,
       employed  as  a  Biology  School  Sri. T. Ravi Shanker felicitated by Telangana State Education Minister,  Biology  Varnamaala,  and  Jeeva
       Assistant at Z.P.H.S in Pullur village,  Smt.Sabitha Indra Reddy Garu for Innovative Teaching Practices  Shaasthra  Pada  Vinodam.  These
       Undavelly   Mandal,   Jogulamba                                                   unique approaches have been recog-
       Gadwal district.           side the headset, students are able to  being inside the cell. They enjoyed  nized for their contribution to the
                                  immerse themselves in a lifelike and  the immersive experience of touch-  field of education. Moreover, I was
       Q. What is your project selected for  interactive learning experience.  ing the floating cell organelles and  honoured  with  the  State-level
       Vidya Amrit Mahothsav?                                 gained a clear understanding of their  Transforming Educator Award 2021
                                  Q: Is it practically true? How are the  location within the cell, particularly  and a cash reward of Rs. 3000 from
        My innovative teaching approach,  students' experiences?  in the cytoplasm.      the  Science  Academy  and  Tech
       which  involves  utilizing  Virtual                     I am proud to share that my inno-  Mahindra Foundation. The utiliza-
       Reality Technology to teach Biology,  While teaching the concept of cell  vative teaching pedagogy, "Teaching  tion of Virtual Reality Technology
       has been recognized and selected as  and cell organelles, I encountered a  Biology through Virtual Reality Tech-  has proven to be highly effective in
       one  of  the  top  five  best  teaching  student who asked about their pres-  nology," has been selected for the Na-  enhancing the understanding of var-
       practices in the state as part of the  ence within the cell. I realized that  tionals.  It  has  gained  significant  ious systems in the human body, such
       Vidya  Amrith  Mahothsav  program  the pictures and diagrams in the text-  recognition, with 1666.98 views on  as the digestive system, excretory sys-
       organized by NCERT.        book, being two-dimensional (2D),  the DIKSHA portal/App and secured  tem, circulatory system, and more.
                                  were not effectively conveying the  the 1st position in Telangana state  By immersing students in a virtual
       Q: Can you please explain about your  proper location of the cell organelles.  under the Vidya Amrit Mahotsav pro-  environment, they are able to grasp
       project?                   To address this, I decided to introduce  gramme conducted by NCERT.  the proper location, structure, and
                                  a  three-dimensional  (3D)  or  even                   function of different body parts and
        Students can access Virtual Reality  four-dimensional (4D) representa-  Q: What are your other  systems with clarity.Introducing new
       videos  through  platforms  like  tion of the cell and its organelles.  achievements?  teaching techniques alongside tradi-
       YouTube. To enhance their experi-  To accomplish this, I purchased a              tional teaching practices has yielded
       ence, I brought a virtual reality head-  virtual reality headset and set up the  I received national level appreci-  promising results, as students exhibit
       set and connected it to a mobile de-  Virtual Reality Mode on my mobile  ation and a special mention of my  a heightened level of interest and en-
       vice. By enabling the virtual reality  device. When the students wore the  contribution to the preparation of  gagement,  and  teaching-learning
       mode on the mobile and placing it in-  headset, they were able to experience  the  National  Educational  Policy-  process become more fruitful.

                            Students are enjoying an immersive experience through Virtual Reality headset connected to mobile

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