Page 9 - EDUSURE- NOV DEC-22
P. 9

Students participating in a workshop session

       hands-on experiments during the
       program. They had the opportunity
       to conduct experiments involving
       the  preparation  and  analysis  of
       their own DNA, as well as examin-
       ing nano particles. Furthermore,
       they participated in activities re-
       lated to the growth and counting of
       bacteria, and observed the develop-
       mental processes in drosophila and
       zebra fish. These practical experi-
       ments provided the students with a
       deeper understanding of scientific
       processes and allowed them to ap-
       ply their knowledge in a practical
       setting.  Alongside  these  experi-
       ments, the students also had the
       chance  to  visit  various  facilities
       within the center, further enriching
       their learning experience.
        The YIP program came to a close
       on January 13th, with the partici-
       pation of guide teachers, parents,
       and the students themselves. Dur-
       ing the program's conclusion, the
       students were presented with par-
       ticipation certificates from the Di-
       rector of CCMB and esteemed re-
       searchers.  E.Sailekya,  a  student  E. Sailekya and her guide teacher, Dr. V.Gurunadha Rao Garu, with CCMB Director, Sri.Vinay K Nandicoori Garu (in the middle)
       from  Class  X  of  ZPHS  Kambala-
       pally, shared her experience with  tioned that they had the privilege  like  the  YIP  program  should  be  can  broaden  their  horizons,  en-
       Edusure, expressing the valuable  of  engaging  with  over  10  senior   made available to high school chil-  hance their knowledge, and develop
       insights gained during the ten-day  scientists and top researchers in the  dren, particularly those in classes 9  a deeper understanding of various
       program. She emphasized the new-  country,  making  the  experience  and 10. He emphasized that such  scientific fields. Dr. Rao believes
       found understanding of the signifi-  truly enriching.  programs offer students invaluable  that such experiences can inspire
       cance of particles and the opportu-  Dr. V. Gurunadha Rao, the guide  exposure to modern technology and  and motivate students to pursue ca-
       nity  to  interact  with  prominent  teacher,  expressed  his  belief  to  scientific advancements. By provid-  reers in science and contribute to
       scientists. E.Sailekya further men-  Edusure that more opportunities  ing these opportunities, students  the progress of society.

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