Page 7 - EDUSURE- NOV DEC-22
P. 7

Under 16 Optimist Class Monsoon
       Regatta (National Ranking Event Un-
       der  16,  Hyderabad)  with  two  gold
       medals (Open and Girls) and a silver
       medal in the Under 16 Optimist Class
       National Ranking Event, Bombay in
       July 2019. In addition, she earned a
       silver medal in the Under 16 Optimist
       Class National Ranking Event, Bom-
       bay in June 2019 and a bronze medal
       in the ILCA 4 under 18 Junior Telan-
       gana  State  Championship  in  July
        She currently holds the No. 1 posi-
       tion in the Senior 470 Mixed YAI
       Senior  Nationals  Mumbai  (470
       Mixed) held in September 2021. She
       secured a silver medal in the Senior  Preeti receiving a Certificate of Apreciation from Governor Tamilsai Soundararajan at Raj Bhavan on the occasion of
       470  Mixed  All  India  West  Coast  International Women’s Day.
       Championship, Mumbai in Novem-
       ber 2021, a bronze medal in the Sen-  earned her respect and admiration  inspiration to aspiring athletes and  celling in the sport she loves. With
       ior 470 Mixed Class National Rank-  from people across the country.The  individuals facing their fears. Her  her talent, dedication, and the sup-
       ing  Event,  Mumbai  in  December  recognition  of  her  achievements  journey exemplifies the power of de-  port of her coach, family, and well-
       2021, a silver medal in the Seniors  reached  new  heights  when  Anand  termination, resilience, and unwa-  wishers, Preeti is poised to achieve
       470  Mixed  ASIAN  Trails  Event,  Mahindra, the renowned business  vering support. With her remarkable  even greater milestones in her sailing
       Mumbai in February 2022, and a gold  magnate,  expressed  his  desire  to  accomplishments, Preeti has not only  career.
       medal  in  the  Senior  470  Mixed  meet her and even sail alongside her  overcome  obstacles  but  has  also  Preeti Kongara's rise to success is
       ASAIN Trails Event, Mumbai in Jan-  on his catamaran. Preeti was over-  proven that sports can be a means to  a testament to the indomitable hu-
       uary 2022.                 whelmed with joy upon reading his  overcome poverty and achieve great-  man spirit and the transformative
        The netizens have taken notice of  tweet and eagerly looks forward to  ness.     power of determination and support.
       Preeti's journey, and her story is be-  the opportunity to personally thank  Preeti's future goals include con-  Her story inspires countless individ-
       ing widely shared and celebrated. Her  him.            tinuing her studies and pursuing her  uals to chase their dreams, conquer
       perseverance and achievements have  Preeti's success story serves as an  graduation while simultaneously ex-  their fears, and reach for the stars.

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