Page 8 - EDUSURE- NOV DEC-22
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E.Sailekya, a Class X student of Kambalapally Zilla Parishad High School in Mahabubabad district, being congratulated by the District Collector & District
          Magistrate, Mr. Shashank Garu, Mr. Rama Rao DEO (on the right). Also present were Mr. Gurunadha Rao Garu  (on the left) and Mr. Ramesh Babu Garu.

               Student from Mahabubabad Bags the

       Prestigious Young Innovator Programme 23

           .Sailekya, a student of Class  torium in Hyderabad. Out of 240
           X  from  Kambalapally  Zilla  students from grades 8-10, 25 were
       EParishad High School in Ma-  selected to participate in the pro-
       habubabad district, was selected for  gram. Sailekhya was the only female
       the  prestigious  Young  Innovator  student selected and participated
       Programme 2023 (YIP-2023) or-  in this program.
       ganized by the Centre for Cellular  Prior  to  the  selection  test,  a
       and Molecular Biology (CCMB) in  meeting was organized at the IICT
       Hyderabad. The program took place  Auditorium where the students and
       from January 4th, 2023, to January  their guide teacher had the privi-
       13th, 2023. YIP aims to introduce  lege to attend a lecture by Prof. Ul-
       students to research methodologies  las Kolthuru from the Tata Institute
       and CCMB's focus areas in science  of Fundamental Research (TIFR).
       subjects. It provides an opportunity  This was a rare opportunity for ru-
       for the participating children to in-  ral students to listen to the lecture
       teract with scientists and gain in-  of  esteemed  scientist  Ullas
       sights into their research work.  Kolthuru from TIFR and partici-
        Dr. V. Gurunadha Rao, the Physi-  pate in a question and answer ses-  a scientific mindset. They had the  respective labs. This experience al-
       cal Science Teacher, provided guid-  sion.  Furthermore,  they  had  the  opportunity to visit various labora-  lowed the students to gain insights
       ance  to  his  students  during  the  chance to interact with CCMB di-  tories  at  CCMB,  where  they  ob-  into the world of scientific explo-
       screening test at different stages of  rector,  Vinay  K  Nandicoori  and  served the ongoing research con-  ration and fostered their curiosity
       their nomination. The selection test  TIFR Scientist, Ullas Kolthuru.  ducted by experts. Moreover, the  and understanding.
       for YIP took place on December 26,  The ten-day program provided  students had the privilege to inter-  In addition to their lab visits and
       2022,  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  valuable scientific exposure to the  act with scientists and researchers  interactions with scientists, the se-
       Chemical Technology (IICT) audi-  students, enabling them to develop  who were actively engaged in their  lected students actively engaged in

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