Page 9 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 9

INSPIRE Awards-MANAK 2022 - Mentorship

       Workshop held at IIT Hyderabad for the NlEPC

            one are the days of rote learn-  students  from  different  parts  of  their interactions with IIT professors
            ing  wherestudents  memo-  Telangana exhibited their projects at  stimulated  the  innovators  inside  Addressing the students at the
       Grizedinformation from text-  district, and state levels. The selected  them and kindled a desire to study at  two-day workshop, BS Murthy, Direc-
       books. Students are provided with a  students at District Level Exhibition  such prestigious institutions.  tor of IIT Hyderabad, said, “I am ec-
       deluge of information, and traditional  and Project Competition participated  Objective of INSPIRE-  static to see the young talent. We
       teaching methods are becoming ob-  in State Level Exhibition and Project  AwardsMANAK  look forward to providing our sup-
       solete. In the modern era, learning by  Competition, from which 37 best pro-       port to students in the realm of inno-
       doing, often known as experiential  totypes are qualified for the National  The programme aims to target one  vation and introducing entrepreneur-
       learning, is highly valued. This con-  Level Exhibition and Project Com-  million original ideas/innovations  ship to you all. We want the young
       cept improves comprehension levels  petition           rooted in science and social applica-  generation to become job creators
       and allows long-term retention. Ex-  To provide additional support to  tions to encourage a culture of cre-  and not job seekers.”
       periential  learning  that  creates  a  students in their preparation for par-  ativity and inventive thinking among
       sense of curiosity and inquiry can  ticipation at the national level of the  school children.
       stimulate students to try their hands  Inspire Awards- Manak, 2022, the  Under this programme, students
       at finding innovative solutions to real-  Department of Science and Technol-  are encouraged to identify real-time  “Give wings for your ideas”
       time problems. Students’ eagerness  ogy  (DST),  Government  of  India,  problems  and  develop  innovative  “Believe in yourself to grow as a
       to grasp conceptual understanding is  stepped up to conduct a mentorship  projects to overcome them. The De-  leader”
       a progressive step forward for the na-  workshop. It is a programme for stu-  partment of Science and Technology  “Respect the ideas you have”
       tion’s development.        dents to improve their prototypes by  invites new projects developed by  “Have strong passion”
         In Telangana, the enthusiasm of  developing additional features and  studentsevery year. National Innova-  “Tough times never last”
       school students to develop projects  learning entrepreneur skills neces-  tion Foundation scrutinizes all the  “The younger you are to take risks
       for the public is growing. They appear  sary to meet the expanding market  proposals received, selects worthy  and failure is a part of the learning”
       to be starting their journey toward  demand. This workshop is held every  ones, and awards financial assistance  - BS Murthy, Director,
       entrepreneurship, which has the abil-  year across the country.  of Rs.10,000/- per student to develop  IIT Hyderabad.
       ity to advance the nation.'Innovation  Following the guidelines of DST,  their projects.
       in Science Pursuit for Inspired Re-  the National Innovations Founda-
       search' (INSPIRE) scheme is one of  tion, IIT Hyderabad, and Telangana
       the flagship programmes of Depart-  State Council of Education Research
       ment of Science & Technology (DST),  and  Training,  Hyderabad,  jointly
       Government  of  India.  INSPIRE  hosted the two-day workshop at IIT,
       Awards – MANAK (Million Minds  Hyderabad. The 37selected students
       Augmenting  National  Aspirations  participated in the workshop held on
       and Knowledge), executed by DST  the 21stand 22ndof April 2022.
       with National Innovation Founda-  During the workshop, along with
       tion – India (NIF), an autonomous  providing  project  assistance,  stu-
       body of DST, aims to motivate stu-  dents were given practical exposure
       dents studying in classes6 to 10 to  to different concepts of Science and
       carry out innovations.     Mathematics. Students participated
        For Inspire Awards- Manak, 2022,  in knowledge-gaining sessions, and
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