Page 4 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 4

Prof. Jayashankar ‘Badi Bata’

         Programme- Education is a Right

           very one of us is aware of the  bright future. The primary objective
           fact that education is key to  of the programme is to locate stu-
       Ebecoming       self-reliant.  dents of primary, upper primary,
       Through  education,  one  can  not  high school, and KGBVs who are of
       only live a decent life but also be-  school age and enrol them in the ap-
       come informed and effective enough  propriate classes as per their age.
       to contribute to the overall growth  Subsequently, the Department of
       of the nation.Education is not some-  School Education, Telangana, began
       thing that is limited to reading text-  to  strengthen  the  government
       books and presenting the content in  schools with required infrastruc-
       exams. The vastness of education  ture, and basic amenities. Most im-
       encompasses a lot of factors that can  portantly and worthy to talk about
       help to grow professionally in a spe-  is the delivery of instruction in Eng-
       cific field like science, mathematics,  lish  medium.  Breaking  down  the
       history, arts, sports, etc, and make  gender bias, the programme empha-
       us  good  individuals  with  morale,  sizes the education of girl children.
       morals and ethics.         Initial Steps:
        One’ssocio-economic conditions
       shouldn’t be an impediment to ob-  District collectors organized dis-
       taining education. All children, re-  trict level convergence meetings in
       gardless of their financial circum-  collaboration with district and man-
       stances, should receive education.  dal level officers and public repre-
       With a vision of providing quality  sentatives that include Honorable  wadi centers into class 1 of primary  school children and enroll them in
       education to children and ensuring  Ministers, MPs, MLAs, MLCs and  schools. Self Help Groups, school  schools/ Bhavitha Centres.
       that no child is left behind, the gov-  Zilla Parishad Chairpersons. They  management committees, mandal  A Badi Bata Desk was formed at
       ernment of Telangana kicked off the  drafted an action plan for effective  education officers and headmasters  district, mandal and school levels in-
       flagship  Prof.  Jayashankar  ‘Badi  implementation of ‘Badi Bata’ pro-  actively participated in identifying  cluding KGBVs and URS to report
       Bata’ programme from 3June 2022  gramme  to  be  conducted  from  drop-outs and enrolling them into  the number of students registered
       to 30June 2022.            3June 2022 to 30 June, 2022.  schools. They also developed strate-  on daily basis. A Task Force Com-
        This prestigious programme is  Women  Development  &  Child  gies  to  sustain  the  attendance  of  mittee wasalso set up at the Mandal
       aimed at ensuring children of all  Welfare Department at District and  children.An action plan was pre-  Level with the Tehsildar, Mandal
       ages  come  to  school  and  receive  Mandal levels took the duty of en-  pared to identify the children with  Development Officer, Mandal Edu-
       quality education for building their  rolling eligible children from Angan-  special  needs  (CwSN)  &out-of-  cation Officer, Assistant Labour Of-

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