Page 7 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 7

Mana Ooru Mana Badi

            Telangana’s prestigious
              flagship programme

            for school development

            pskill, reskill and new skills  With a vision to
            are focal to the country’s de-  shape the country’s
       Uvelopment. Gaining and up-  future, the govern-
       dating knowledge are essential fac-  ment of Telangana
       tors  for  every  individual  to  launched the flag-
       professionally  progress  and  make  ship  ‘Mana  Ooru
       contributions to a better country to  Mana  Badi’  pro-
       live in.                   gramme  to  bring
        Knowledge Updation can happen  every   child   to
       when going deep into education. Ed-  school to receive a
       ucation is as vast as the universe and  quality  education.
       depth as the ocean. The dive into the  The state has been
       depths of education will pave the way  witnessing the ef-
       to learning about different things. It  fective implemen-
       starts  from  basic  learning  to  core  tation  of  the  pro-
       learning of a subject, a skill, com-  gramme.   The
       bined with understanding what hu-  Department of Ed-
       manity is and how an education can  ucation, Telangana,
       turn around one’s life with a set of ex-  public representa-
       periences and memories and make  tives, headmasters,
       one accountable for happenings in  teachers,   SMCs,
       the world.                 and other officials.
        What  are  the  ways  to  acquire  The  school  de-
       knowledge?                 velopment  to  happen  in  a  phased
        Reading books             manner. In phase 1, 9123 government
        Interaction  with  knowledgeable  and local body schools with highest
       personalities              enrolment are to be considered. It
        Exchange of ideas between peers  covers primary school, upper primary
        Arts and crafts           school, high school. The estimated
        Learning by doing         budget for development 9123 schools
        And so on…                is Rs 3497.62.
        Who can guide us through the way  The district collectors shall accord
       of acquiring knowledge?    administrative sanction for all works
        Headmasters and Teachers  to be taken up in each school. The ex-
        Where to go to gain knowledge for  ecution of all works shall be done
       holistic development?      through  the  school  management
        Everyone to say loudly- A school is  committees, upto the existing pre-
       an ideal place to begin our process of  scribed financial limit, to ensure peo-
       learning,  gaining  knowledge,  and  ple’s participation, transparency and
       growing holistically.      quick execution.

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