Page 11 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 11

My involvement in the ISRO-Yuvika Young Scientist programme
                                                                     has piqued my interest in space science. I consider myself fortu-
                                                                     nate to have the opportunity to learn about communication, map-
                                                                ping, navigation, ground stations, remote sensing, disaster management,
                                                                celestial bodies, life on other planets, and other topics in a hands-on envi-
                                                                ronment. We had a great time at National Remote Sensing Centre
                                                                (NRSC)and (Satish Dhawan Space Centre) Sriharikota Range(SDSC) SHAR.
                                                                Our interactions with NRSC and NASA scientists were thought-provoking,
                                                                and the lectures on space science, space technology, and its applications
                                                                sparked my interest in learning more about the subjects. I was enthralled
                                                                by the live satellite pass, the first and second launch pads, the MCC, the
                                                                launch of the Rohini 200-sounding rocket and the PLSV, and the sessions
                                                                showcasing data reception antennas, satellite data processing and stor-
                                                                age, and the atmospheric research facility. My ambition to explore space
                                                                was fuelled by the knowledge and experiences I gained during this pro-
                                                                gramme, which can help me on my path to becoming a scientist.”
                                                                           Vijaya Chintapalli, Kendriya Vidhyalaya, Nalgonda District

                                                                      Yuvika is an amazing programme. I was able to see the movement
                                                                     of planets through sky-watching.I also enjoyed lessons in rocket
                                                                     building, launch, and operation. The opportunity to interact in real-
                                                                time with NASA and Antarctica Space Centre experts as well as the lec-
                                                                tureson space technology and its applications has aroused my interest in
                                                                pursuing aerospace engineering as a career. NRSC also took us to Charmi-
                                                                nar, Salar Jung Museum, Birla Planetarium, and Ramoji Film City during
                                                                the 15-day programme, in addition to the lectures. The visit to Satish
                                                                Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota is a once-in-a-lifetime
                                                                trip. My meeting with ISRO Chairman was very motivating. All mentors en-
                                                                couraged us to scientifically and logically think of a problem and come up
                                                                with solutions. I take this as my starting step to becoming a scientist. I set
                                                                a goal for myself in class 7 to be a participant in ISRO-Yuvika, and my
                                                                dream has come true.”
                                                                    Eeturu Rahul Ranganatha Rav, Class 9, TSMS Dindi, Nalgonda District

                                                                       Visiting ISRO was a lifetime experience for me. I found the as-
                                                                       tronomy lectures to be fascinating and learning more about
                                                                      space science stoked my interest in the field. I was ecstatic to
                                                                      have the opportunity to learn about a variety of satellites, their
                                                                operations, manufacturing, and how data is analysed and processed. Dr.
                                                                Prakash Chauhan's interaction felt like a brainstorming session, and I
                                                                learned a lot about space sciences from it. As we all know, robotics is a
                                                                huge part of the future, therefore I'm looking forward to learning more
                                                                about it. It's a great feeling to learn with people from all around the coun-
                                                                try. I not only fine-tuned our understanding of space, astronomy, and
                                                                other topics as a result of our knowledge exchange, but I also created an
                                                                adorable friendship. This tour to ISRO serves as an introduction to space
                                                                sciences and related fields of study for me. My journey to becoming a sci-
                                                                entist has just begun, and there is still a long way to go.”
                                                                    Saniya Rupavathi, Navodaya Vidhyalaya, Tellkurthy, Nalgonda District

                                                                       Models of rockets, satellites, and antennas were on display. The
                                                                      practical learning sessions on robotics and astronomy were par-
           “I had a great experience at Yuvika 2022. I went to National Remote  ticularly engaging. We were separated into eight four-person
          Sensing Centre (NRSC) for the first time, where I learned about antennas  groups and given the task of presenting a topic related to astronomy and
          and their working. I also saw the live operations of a satellite. The conver-  space research. All of the groups performed admirably, and three of the
          sations with scientists from Antarctica were stimulating and learning  eight got prizes for their best presentations. This activity inspired us to
          about calibrating, tape library, and a detailed session on astronomy were  delve deeper into the topics and discover the unknown. The sight of
          informative. The visual of some of the launch vehicles and satellite models  sounding rockets being launched, RH200, first launch pad PLSV and sec-
          excited me. We visited the Charminar, Salar Jung Museum, Birla Planetar-  ond launch pad GSLV, and various stages of rockets and their configura-
          ium, and ramoji film City. At NRSC, we had lectures about space, satellites,  tions excited me at Sriharikota, and the learning experience will be re-
          and launch vehicles and saw four planets through a telescope. We also  membered for a long time. My interactions with scientists and
          visited Sriharikota, observed the launch pads, and learned about the dif-  observations have strengthened my desire to become an astronaut.”
          ferent stages of a satellite launch.”                        Doosa Prathyusha, ZPHS Gharshakurthy, Rajanna Sircilla District
           Addagulla Bhavishya, Shanthnikethan High School, Kamareddy District

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