Page 14 - EDUSURE - May-June_2022
P. 14

Telangana School Innovation Challenge

                                  held on 4th April 2022

           he government of Telangana
           in collaboration with UNICEF
       Tand Inqui-lab Foundation, has
       launched a Design Thinking & Inno-
       vation Challenge, one-of-a-kind pro-
       grammein the country for the first
       time with an aim to be a pioneer in
       promoting 21stcentury skills & de-
       sign thinking in teachers and stu-
       dents. The purpose of the Innovation
       Challenge is to empower most disad-
       vantaged young students to identify
       the challenges in their communities
       and create entrepreneurial solutions
       to address them. Under this presti-
       gious student-driven programme, the
       State Government envisages Telan-
       gana State becoming the Innovation
       and Knowledge Capital.
       l To provide an opportunity for school
        children in Telangana to
        i) Identify problems affecting them
        ii) Find the root cause of the problem
        iii) Develop Innovative solutions  number of teachers involved in as-  teacher right away to share his con-
       l To Introduce principles of UPSHIFT  sisting students is 7003.  cept of creating a Heat Maize using
        approaches to the teachers and stu-  The Telangana School Innovation  energy.
        dents across the state.   Challenge 2022 took place on 4 April  V  Venugopal,  School  Assistant,
       l Provide interface and promote col-  2022 and the enthusiastic students  Physical Science, served as his guide
        laboration between the government,  showcased  their  exhibits  to  hon-  teacher, while his peers B Vinay Ku-
        schools, and the industry.  ourable  public  representatives,  mar, B Abhilash, and M Laxman sup-
                                  teachers, students, and other visitors.  ported him in the design phase. The
        This Innovation Challenge is de-  The event was graced by the Hon-  teamwork was outstanding, and they
       signed using a globally tested UP-  ourable Minister of Education, Smt.  placed  fourth  in  the  Telangana
       SHIFT approach which is anchored  Sabitha Indra Reddy, KT Rama Rao,  School Innovation Challenge 2022.
       in  human-centred  design,  putting  Minister of IT, Municipal and Pan-
       young  people  at  the  centre  of  the  chayat Raj, Sri. M. Murali Krishna,  TSMS Nellikudur, Nellikudur
       process.  This  process  will  engage  Child Protection Officer, UNICEF,  Mandal, Mahabubabad district
       young people as co-creators of solu-  and the Chief Innovation Officer of
       tions, rather than just as beneficiar-  Telangana, Smt. Shanta Thoutam.  A Keerthana, a class 6 student, de-
       ies.                       Given below are the top     signed the Multi-Purpose Portable
        In this challenge, the children will                  Room with the assistance of the guide  Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad
       be  trained  through  an  Interactive  fiveinnovative student initiatives:  teacher  and  a  class  10  student
       platform containing 4 levels of the  ZPHS Velganoor, Dandepally  Ruthika. She wrapped a long cloth  N Patnaik, D Mishra, S Bilolikar,
       UPSHIFT  approach-  Understand,                        around an umbrella that transforms  and G Sanvi Sree, class 8 students, de-
       Design, Build & Test, and Making it  Mandal, Mancherial District  into  a  room  with  a  four-sided  signed Intravenous Fluid Indicator,
       Real. The Interactive platform con-  T Abhilash, a class 9 student came  stretched cloth when it is opened and  to help the paramedic staff keep up
       sists of 20 Instructional Videos and  up with the idea to design Heat Maize  fixed on a foldable stand. She came  with the pace in replacing the fluid
       12 Interactive assessments, followed  after seeing her mother heating the  up with this idea after spending hours  bottles. The students identified the
       by the submission of an Innovative  maize on charcoal. He believed that  brainstorming with her friends to  problem during the pandemic when
       Idea for ‘Telangana School Innova-  the process is time-consuming and  find a solution to the inconvenience  the hospital staff had to monitor a
       tion Challenge 2022’. Once they com-  that his mother is having trouble be-  women face when traveling from one  larger number of patients including
       plete the course and submit an idea,  cause there isn't enough charcoal. He  place to another.  Women can use this  the Covid-19 infected and those ad-
       they will receive a Certificate of Com-  found a solution when the physical  Multi-Purpose Portable Room as a  mitted for other treatments.
       pletion on DESIGN THINKING FOR  science teacher delivered a lecture  washroom  or  as  a  restroom  while  The idea was timely and the need
       INNOVATION.                about  different  forms  of  energy.  traveling. This idea was supported by  of the hour. The IV Fluid Indicator
        Of a total of 11,037 innovative ideas,  While listening to the lesson, he came  her guide teacher, K Nagarjuna, who  works  on  the  principle  of  Weight.
       five innovative projects won prizes in  to the realization that the application  assisted her throughout the project.  When the fluid level goes below 60ml,
       the grand finale. 25,166 pupils and  of electric energy and heat energy for        the load cell detects weight and sends
       5387 schools across the statepartici-  heating the maize can replace the use  AMS P Obul Reddy School,  the signal to Arduino. The buzzer
       pated  in  the  Challenge.  The  total  of  charcoal.  He  approached  the        connected to the indicator rings to
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